Chapter 9:My First Splatfest

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I was so relieved,and stress free worrying about my father and all! I was sitting on the couch watching Callie and Marie on TV 

Callie- Hold onto your tentacles

I held onto my hair

Marie- It's Inkopolis news time

Adrian-Chan came out of his room

Adrian- *yawn* Morning, Marionette- Why are you holding your tentacles? 

Marionette- Callie said so

Adrian- *snicker* Not really!

Marionette- Oh!

I heard a weird noise from the TV and It said Splatfest in town, Art vs Science 

Adrian- YES!

Marie- Splatfest Tonight!

Marionette- What's Splatfest

Adrian- It's when you pick a side and then you go into Turf War to defend your team and the Team with the most points win the game 

Marionette- that sounds like fun! 

Callie- Head over to the splatfest terminal and make your vote now!

Marionette- Can we go now?! Please, Please, Pleeeeeaaasseee!

Adrian- Sure let's go but first! What do you prefer?

Marionette- Art! Turf War is art, Inkopolis is art, everywhere I go I see art!

Adrian- Yeah, I'm choosing Art too

Marionette- Let's go vote! 

We walked over to the voting machine and I pushed an Orange button that said Art and it gave me a T-Shirt

Marionette- What's this?

Adrian- It's your Splatfest Tee, you get to wear it on splatfest, but you have to return it when the splatfest is over

Wynter- Hey you two! 

Marionette- Wynter-Kun! Alex-Kun! I picked team Art! 

Wynter- Please! Science Rules!  Besides it's the reason why we get medicines

Alex- I have to agree Wynter on this one

Wynter- So be prepared to be splatted with science

Wynter-Kun jumped on top of me and started to tickle me, I laughed so hard then Adrian-Chan and I walked to Shrimp Kicks to get new sneakers...wait..the way Wynter-Kun tickled me

*Flashback when Mari was 4*

Marionette- Daddy! Tickle Time

Octavio- *sigh* 

Marionette- Daddy?

Octavio- ROAR!! 

Marionette- *screams!* *giggles* Can't catch me daddy!

Octavio caught up with Marionette

Marionette- *Laughs* Daddy, it t-tickles!!!! 

Before Marionette Ran Away

Marionette- Daddy tickle time!

Octavio- Go away Marionette

Marionette- But daddy we always do thi-

Octavio- I SAID GO AWAY!

*End of Flashback*

*sigh* I miss Daddy, I miss the way he shows me affection and he's changed and he's out for revenge. Later on Splatfest has started and there was a beautiful party in here

Marionette- It's so beautiful here! 

Wynter- Night on Inkopolis is the best, trust me!

Alex- But's it's better when you battle!

Adrian- Ready to win?

Marionette- Ready! Let's do this!

Adrian's POV

We were playing at Urchin Underpass and I was on a team with Marionette and 2 random inkling boys 

The battle just started and Team Art has taken half of the map and we were about to take over team Science's map 

Marionette- Hey Adrian-Chan, I got my special! 

Mari used her Echolocator and splatter 2 inklings and to make it more hilarious one of them was Alex

I got out my special the Killer Wail and splatted Wynter

With 10 seconds on the clock out team released an Inkstrike and splatted the whole team in the end our team won

Marionette- Now that was a work of Art!

Wynter- Haha, good pun

We had 16 more battles, but for some reason Addie didn't show up, she never misses splatfest not even 1. 

Wynter- I'm done, I'm heading home, good luck out there

Adrian- Bye you two

Marionette- I wonder why Addie-Kun didn't show up

Adrian- Me too, let's go check on her

Marionette- I'm worried

We hopped down the man hole and saw Agent 4 lying down on Marie's lap

Marionette- Addie-Kun! What happen to her

Callie- An Elite Octo came last night and a little bit of Octoling Ink got on her and it might have sting her head a bit

Marionette- What happened last night

Marie- I hate saying this but..Marionette....Your in danger. 

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