Chapter 7: My First Turf War

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Marionette's POV

Alex and I were looking at other weapons and he was helping me with weapons and then Wynter came an joined us!

Alex- I suck with Chargers

Marionette- I like them, but I think I'm better with the Dynamo Roller

Wynter- Marionette! Hey!

Marionette- Wynter! It's nice to see you! 

Alex- I was just helping Mari with her weapons, she's so good at chargers, even better than me!

Marionette- But, I've seen inklings going in and out of a strange tower

Alex- Oh, that's inkopolis tower where you can battle random inklings

Marionette- Ooh Can we try?! Can try? Pleeeeease?! 

Alex- Sure but..

Wynter- We need one more player

Adrian- Hey Wynter, Hey Alex! 

Wynter- Yo, Adrian, we were about to show Marionette the basics of turf war and you're the perfect person to be the 4th player

Adrian- Okay then

Marionette- How do you play turf war again

Wynter- Whichever team inks the most turf wins!

Alex- And you can use whatever weapon you like

Marionette- What?! R-Really!

Adrian- Yup!

Wynter- Last one there is a rotten squid!

Marionette- Hey! Wait up!

Adrian's POV

We went inside inkopolis tower and we waited for a few more inklings to come in

After a couple of seconds 4 inklings came and looked at Marionette with a shocked look

Inkling 1- I hope I'm not on Octoling's team!

The other inklings laughed and Marionette looked down sadly and was nearly about to cry

Adrian- Hey, don't listen to them

Marionette- I-I'll try not to

Wynter- Trust me they just jealous that you're so stinkin' cute!!! 

Alex- For once in my life I actually agree with Wynter

Wynter-  -_-

The turf war is about to start and we're at Port Mackerel 

Marionette- *snicker* Mackerel a fish! I get it!

Wynter- I'm just now noticing that! HA! And it is funny

Alex- I don't get it.

Wynter- And you never will 

Adrian- Anyways...Ready Marionette

Marionette- Ready! 

Judd- And go! 

We all took off inking the turf Marionette seemed to get the hang of it and her she got her special

Marionette- Ahh, W-Why are my tentacles glowing?! 

Inkling- Wow what a baby

Inkling 2- Tell me about 

Adrian- It's alright Your tentacles glowing means that you have your special charged up, so do I watch

I pulled out my favorite special. the killer wail

Adrian- Watch this

The killer wail was activated and it splatted 3 people

Marionette- .......Wicked......

Adrian- Let's see yours

Marionette tried her special and she had the Echolocator and she splatted the remaining inkling

Marionette- I-I got someone.....I GOT SOMEONE! I actually got someone! Whoo!

Wynter- Great work Mari!

In the end our team won

Marionette- I actually won my first turf war! 

Adrian- It really isn't that hard once you get the hang of it

Marionette- Can we do turf wars more often? 

Adrian- Of course we can

Wynter-Besides, after all you've been through

Alex- You deserve it

Marionette- YAY! *hugs adrian with extreme pressure*  Thank you Adrian! 

Marionette and I walked back to the apartment and we both went to our rooms

Marionette's POV 

I put on my blue PJs and I hopped into my bed and My dream was worst than last night

Octavio- I can't believe she would go to that place

Elite Octo- We tracked her coordinates! She won't know what's coming to her, all the friends she made up there are about to be toast..

Octavio- Hopefully that mistake likes being hypnotized *evil laugh* 

I woke up screaming..then I started to cry..It happens again, of all the fun I had today..I couldn't escape the terror of my father, it's like he's a part of me. Then, Adrian-Chan came

Adrian- Are you okay?

Marionette- N-No..I'm not, I had a nightmare about daddy again.

Adrian- Can you tell me about it?

Marionette- Well, I it started with a-an octoling and t-they know where I am and..daddy was on her side.and he called me a..m-...mis...mis...MISTAKE!!!! 

Adrian- Wait he said that? 

Marionette- YES! He did 

Adrian- You're not a mistake

Marionette- But I wished my daddy would love me...I love him

Adrian- ...Tell you what. To make you happy what do you want to do tomorrow?

Marionette- I-I s-saw a movie theater in the distance m-maybe we can go there?

Adrian- We can, we can also invite Wynter and Alex if you want

Marionette- Yes..I don't want to lose them...

Adrian- You'll never lose them

Marionette- And I don't want to lose you

Adrian- You'll never lose me. 

Marionette- Thank you..Good Night Adrian-Chan

Adrian's POV

I picked up my phone and texted Wynter and Alex, I was in a group chat with them, besides they're  the 2 inklings that I know that will be up at 11:30 in the night

Adrian- Hey you two

😸Wynter- Hey Adrian

Alex- What's wrong?

Adrian- Mari, she had a nightmare about her dad

😸Wynter- OMG..that poor thing. 

Alex- Well, did you cheer her up

😸Wynter- What do you think captain obvious

Adrian- We decided that we should go to the movies, you guys can come too

Alex- Awesome! 

😸Wynter- Wicked! 

Alex- It sounds cuter when it comes from Marionette

😸Wynter- Yeah true. 

Adrian- Welp, good night guys

😸Wynter- Good Night!❤️

Alex- Sleep tight!

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