Chapter 3: In Inkopolis Plaza

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I was blown away by the amazing sights of Inkopolis Plaza

Marionette- Whoa, this is where you live?

Adrian- Yeah, It's not much but this is Inkopolis 

Marionette- Wicked...

Adrian- Yeah, it is 

???- Finally! What took you so long, where were you

???- And is that an Octo?

Adrian- She is but trust me she's friendly!

???- And why should we believe that?

Marionette- Because I've heard a certain song, that I've heard from my dad's octo bot

Adrian- Wait what song?

???- And can you even sing it?

Marionette- I'm not good at singing the inkling language but I can try!

Y-Ya weni marei? mirek-yara-hire
J-Juri yu mirekerason?

Ki-Kre hyari... yoriherahe nyurahera...
Uh....Nunnyura unera... yurawera nyimerani!

Adrian- Calamari Inkantation?

Marionette- Yeah! That's it!

???- Squid Sisters, so their the reason you're up here

Marionette- Yes! Yes it is!

???- Well sorry we judged you but Adrian....

Adrian- Yeah


Adrian- I sorry

???- You should be! 

Marionette- Are you Adrian's friends

???- Sure are! 

Wynter- I'm Wynter, and this idiot is my brother, Alex

Alex- Who are you calling idiot?!

Wynter- I'm not talking to the wall am I?

Alex- Touche....

Wynter- The thing is we were looking for you so we can do turf war

Marionette- The great Turf war is back?!

Adrian- No...Turf war is just a sport, whoever inks the most turf wins

Alex- Yeah, it's fun you should join

Marionette- But I don't know how to play...

Wynter- Don't worry Sheldon has a weapon shop so you can play! 

Marionette- Okay, but who's Sheldon

Alex- You have a lot to learn...

Wynter- I'll say...

The 4 friends entered ammo knights 

Sheldon- Hello, Hello! What kind of weap- AN OCTOLING!!! I-IN MY SHOP?!

Adrian- Sheldon calm down

Wynter- She's a good octo

Alex- All she needs is a weapon

Sheldon- Well, any friend of these 3 is a friend of mine! What would you like

Marionette- You have more than shooters?!

Adrian- Yup Rollers, Brushes you name it

Marionette- What's this? It's really heavy

Wynter- Dynamo Roller, one of the most heaviest rollers around

Alex- You sure you want it?

Marionette- Uh-huh!

Sheldon- Would you like to hear more about it?

Alex, Wynter and Adrian- No

Marionette- YES PLEASE!

Wynter- We're toast...

Sheldon- Well the dynamo roller...

About 10 minutes later

Sheldon- Well that's about it

Marionette- Very Interesting! Right guys? 

But everyone was snoozing

Marionette- Is this common with most inklings?

Sheldon- Yes, Yes it is

Marionette- WAKE UP!!!

Adrian- HUH?! What?

Marionette- Sheldon finished speaking

Adrian- About time, wake up you two. 

Wynter- zzzzz.....No...I said 45 tacos...not 32

Marionette- Uh...what?

Adrian- Oh brother, should we leave them there?

Marionette- Maybe...Yeah we should they'll wake up sooner or later!

Maybe about 4 hours later

Wynter- zzz....Huh what...OH WHAT?! W-WHAT TIME IS IT?!

Alex- Quiet down...Wait why are we still here? 

Sheldon- You fell asleep

Wynter- Oh shoot we gotta go home!

Alex- Race ya there!

Sheldon- *Sigh* SquidKids these days...

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