Bonus Part 2: Cuddles and Donuts

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Mari was bored.. she just got back from a long ranked battle trying to fight for that Rank S, she did made it to the rank, and now she's tired and bored. 

💖Marionette💖- Addie-Kun...

Addie🍪- Yeah, what's up?

💖Marionette💖- I'm bored..

Addie🍪- I wish I can help but I'm at my little sister's art show.

💖Marionette💖- Oh..okay...

Addie🍪- Maybe talk to Alex

💖Marionette💖- Alex-kun...

Alex😎- Yeah Mari?

💖Marionette💖-I'm bored.

Alex😎- I wish I can help recover from your boredom but, I'm Helping Wynter find her weapon...again

💖Marionette💖- Okay.. I'll go talk to Adrian

Alex😎- Good idea👍

Mari walked over to Adrian's room and she opened the door to see her boyfriend lying down in bed asleep. Mari thought to herself, 'maybe I should try cuddling him? Wynter-Chan did tell me about it' Mari walked over to Adrian's bed, climbed in and wrapped her arms around his torso, and she held him close, she was getting sleepy and then she fell fast asleep.

A few hours went by and it was 8:25pm and Adrian woke up to Marionette cuddling him, he smiled and kissed her cheek, and to that Marionette smiled, he went into the kitchen to grab something to eat and he decided to go out to the cafe down the street and pick up some donuts. 


Who can resist some fluffy sweetness?

Anyways, Mari woke up to no one by her side, she felt a bit sad until she smelled a sweet smell of baked goods... 'DONUTS!' She thought to herself and she rushed out to see Adrian eating a Jelly donut. "Help yourself!" He said and they both enjoyed the sweet sensation of donuts, together


This is too sweet...😿

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