Chapter 12: Guess who's back!

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Marionette's POV

It was night and I'm starting to feel better then my window broke

Marionette- Who's there?!

Elite Octo- Hello Marionette!

Marionette- H-How! How did you find me?!

Elite Octo- Come on Marionette, time to go home

Marionette- Adrian- Chan!! Help!!! 

Adrian- Chan came to my room 

Adrian- What's wrong- You?!

Elite Octo- Yes, I told you we were gonna take her

Adrian- I'm not letting you! 

Elite Octo- *gets out octo shot* Hmmm.. I guess we can't settle this easily... give up and we can go our separate ways and we will  never bother you again or, Not hand her over, and she gets it! 

Adrian- Neither, I'm not giving her up for the world, *gets out hero shot *even if you tried

Marionette- I'm not coming with you, I'm staying here

Octavio- Are you sure? 

A familiar machine comes by my window

Marionette- D-Daddy? 

Octavio- I suggest you listen to your father

Marionette- But daddy, I don't want to come with you, I love it here, I love my friends and I want to stay here...

Marionette- Or should I even call you daddy

Octavio- COME HERE NOW! Or it's prison for you

Adrian- What kind of dad are you?

Octavio- I suggest you come here NOW!

He launched a punch at me but Adrian-Chan pushed it back

Adrian- I told you, I'm not gonna give her up that easily

Octavio- Launch the troops

13 more octolings came and attacked Adrian- Chan

Adrian- Heh, I can handle you

He splatted 5 octolings but 2 octolings came to me

Marionette- LET GO!!! ADRIAN-CHAN!!!

Adrian's POV

I turn my head and saw the octolings taking her to Octavio's octobot

Adrian- Let her go!

 But 2 octolings held me down, I splatted the 2 girls but I was......Too Late 

Elite Octo- See you Never

I failed...I promised her that I will never let her go, but so much for that promise I walked to octo canyon in tears

Marie- Agent 3?

Adrian- I failed to protect her

Callie, Addie, and Marie all came up to me and gave me a hug

Callie- You didn't fail

Adrian- I gave her one promise and I blew it!

Addie- It's not your fault!

Adrian- YES IT IS!

Marie- Agent 3 look at me in the eye, We can get her back, it's not over, we can save her

Callie- We promise that

Addie- We got this

Marionette's POV

Adrian-Chan is constantly on my mind, heart is beating fast..

Octavio- I expected better from you

Marionette- And I wanted you to be my dad!

Octavio- Oh so what? You were up there and you had the chance to destroy Inkopolis

Marionette- That's all you care about, what happen to my other daddy, that used to give me tickles, calm me down when I'm sad, where's my daddy?

Octavio starts playing his music 


Marionette- What will you like me to do your freshness

Octavio- That's more like it

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