Chapter 8:Movie Night!

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 Adrian's POV 

I was really worried for Marionette, I can't believe Octavio would do that to his own daughter, I decided to make her happy by making her french toast, she was still sleeping so I made her french toast while she was sleeping. After a few minutes I finished her breakfast and had a bowl of cereal, She came out of her room, in her casual clothes, rubbing her eyes

Marionette- Good Morning Adrian! 

Adrian- Morning Mari, how are you feeling after...your nightmare

Marionette- Still a bit scared 

Adrian- Well I made you breakfast to cheer you up! 

Marionette- Mmm, It smells delicious! Where's your food?

Adrian- I just ate. 

Marionette- Adrian, are you telling the truth?

Adrian- Yes Mari, you don't have to worry about me

Marionette- If you say so! *innocent smile*

Adrian- I'll get dressed you finish eat

Marionette- Okay! 

I got dressed into my regular clothes and went outside to see..Mari licking syrup off her plate

Adrian- *snicker* That's not what a lady supposed to do!

Marionette- *with stars in her eyes* It's just so delicious! I've never tasted anything like this in my whole life! 

Adrian- Let' go and find Wynter and Alex

Marionette- Wait! Can Addie-Kun come too?

Adrian- Yeah, sure she can

Marionette- Let's go find her!

We walked over to the manhole, made sure no one followed us and we hopped down and we found Addie

Marionette- ADDIE-KUN!!!

Addie- Hi Marionette! Hey Adrian

Marionette- I was wondering if you can come to the movies with us!

Addie- Yeah! That be nice

Adrian- We'll meet you later at 4

Addie- See ya! 

After a few hours

Marionette- Rank battles are fun!

Wynter- ..Phew, Rainmaker...sometimes it's crazy 

Addie- Hey Mari! 

Marionette- Addie-Kun! Wynter-Kun, Alex-Kun this is another friend I made ,her name is Addie! 

Wynter- Nice to meet ya

Alex- Sup! 

Marionette- Let's go! 

Marionette dashed off

Addie- Do you even know where the movie theaters are at?!

Marionette paused and came back to us, she shrugged her shoulders smiling silly

Adrian- It's about 5 minutes away from here so let's go! 

We were preparing to super jump

Marionette- Wait! 

Before we launched off we exited our squid form

Alex- What's wrong

Marionette- I can't super jump that long, besides I haven't learned to land on my feet yet....and daddy was supposed to teach me how to do it

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