Chapter 2

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Picture of Brin Feather >>>>>>>>>


"Oh, no!" Holly yelled, concealing the creature in her palms to hide it. "I'm so sorry, he just wanders sometimes and- and-" Holly was panicky and struggled to think of what to say. She unzipped her suitcase and pulled out a little flattened leather cage, stuffing Chesnut into it as quickly as possible.

"Why do you have that THING!?" Hailey screamed in a high-pitched voice, stomping her foot off the seat until the flame went out.

"I-it's ok, really," Holly started, gesturing for everyone to sit down. No one did; Brin was still a bit startled, Hailey looked as if she'd never sit down again and Ella wanted to help calm them both down. Holly sighed, "I didn't mean to frighten you. I had completely forgotten he was out, honestly. But he's gone, I swear I'll keep him in the cage from now on until we get to Hogwarts and I'm in the common room." She really meant this; even the thought of tarantulas would be enough for people to hurt themselves in the panic. Plus, she can't be taking risks around a witch who could set fire to things. That reminded her to take a mental note to check on Chesnut later to see if he had been burnt.

"He's really friendly," Ella added, lightening the mood.

Brin looked over at Hailey her once bright red aura was now shiffting to light yellow and the sliver line that had formed around her was slowly fading away. Brin didn't know what this silver line ment she had never seen it before and was sure it had something to do with the whole element thing. brin shook her thoughts away and looked at Hailey who still seemed pretty spooked.

" Is he a baby Acromantula? Mrs. Flinch- Flechey had one named Tolhast. He's now the leader of the colony that lives in the forbidden forest." Brin asked.

" There a colony of those thing in the fobidden forest!" Asked Haily her aura once agin turning red.

" Yes, but they are really friendly and tame. They fallow the orders of the leader and Tolhast is one of the best leader they have ever had. He still really good friends with Mrs. Flinch- Flechey, I met him last year."

" Oh. Well if you say so." Replyed Haily. She turned to Holly " Is your spider ummm a Acromantula?"

“Why no, he not.” Replyed Holly as she looked at Hailey.

“Great” Hailey said under her breath and relaxed. ‘Spiders… Why Spiders…Giant Spiders… Giant Hairy Spiders… Giant Hairy Spiders live in the woods next to my school… WHY SPIDERS!! There’s no way I’m ever, Ever, EVER going into those woods!!!’ thought Hailey.

She turns to looks out the window and stares into space. ‘Why couldn’t she have a pet like my Moonlight? My beautiful Moonlight was a pure white wolf pup. Who was hiding in my bag sleeping peacefully…….. Wait... WHERE’S MY BAG!!’ Hailey looks around the room feverishly, tiring to find her bag and Moonlight. ‘NO.NO.NO WHERE’S MY MOONLIGHT! WHERE’S MY BABY!’ Hailey thought as she looked for her lost wolf pup and bag.

It suddenly started to down poor outside the window; the wind was howling and shack the train with its force. Holly, Ella and Brin look to each other and then to a scared Hailey. Who was looking all around the room in search of something? To what they didn’t know but they had to calm her down somehow before something happened.

“Where’s my wolf, Moonlight!” said Hailey all of a suddenly as she looked.

Behind Hailey's screams, thunder crashed and waves of hail and rain pounded the side of the train. The girls stared out the window as flashes of light lit the room around them. No one could figure out why this came about so suddenly.

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