Chapter 36

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Brin walked down the hall she had relized that the bell was just a bird with a small bell around it's neck and she still had time for the break. Brin had no clue where everyone was so she wondered the halls and saw someone standing by a window. His auras shot at her and she instantly thought of her own emotions blocking his. With a smile she walked up to him. "Hi Allen."

He jumped as if he was in deep thought ans hadn't expected her to be there. "Hi Brin."

"So what are you doing? Why arn't you with your firends?" Brin asked as she looked across the grounds. From this window they had a really good view of the tree.

"I needed some time to think, there not the best of friends. What about you why arn't you with your possey?"

"I had to go help a friend with some boy problems." Brin said. It was partly true but she felt like she was lying.

"Boy problems?"

"Yup." He looked at her for a second then back out the window. "The willow sure is pretty isn't it." Brin tried to not look at his aura she didn't want to invade his privcey and know what he was feeling.

"Yeah I come here to think alot." He was now fully looking at her. She didn't meet his gaxe from this window he could have seen Hailey, Kole, and her last night. That would be extremly bad if that had happened since he still was a shadow.

"Where you here last night?"

"No. Why?"

"I was looking for you." Brin was fully lying now but she knew she had to do it.

"Why?" Why. Dangit she had no clue.

"I need help in slughorns class I'm rotten at potions. The phumes mess with the auras and I get headakes. I was wondering if there was a potion that could help with headakes."

"Oh. I'll look into it." He voice sounded almost disapointed. Brin looked at him and his aura was that, it seemed to be beating at an invisibal force that held it away from her. Her own invisbale aura.

"Allen I got to go," Brin than ran away


Holly had to run up to the very highest point of the school, grab everything she needed, run back outside and do it all in time for tryouts. Which started any minute. She clambered up countless flights of stairs before realizing she was starting to get lost. Glancing around confused, paintings spotted her. Five men or so shouted to her, pointing her up the right way. Holly grinned - "Thanks!" - sprinting up again.

The Ravenclaw door came into sight and she belted the riddle answer at it, pushing past it and into her dorm. Her trusted broom was waiting for her by her bed, along with Chesnut, curled up in the knotted straw-like strands. She smiled, stopping to catch her breath. "That can't be comfortable Chesnut," she said allowed. Holly reached her hand out and gently edged him off to the side so he wouldn't wake. Smiling with success, she went back into her rush.

Broom still in hand, Holly tried to clumsily stick her hair up in a ponytail. Her house scarf sat across her neck but, as she went to go downstairs, it slipped. She gasped, tripping up on the nuisance and falling flat on her face. She groaned, sitting up. Time was rushing past her and she needed to get to the pitch if she would have any chance of making the team.

As soon as Holly got to her feet, a sharp pain shot up her right leg. She winced, leaning over. Desperate to leave, she looked down the stairs and tried standing on her leg again. Electricity bolted from her ankle and burned her up to her knee. She bent it again. Something in there was broken; there was no way she could run all the way downstairs, she would have to fly.

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