Chapter 32

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Holly watched Ella walk off. She couldn't understand her anymore, what she was thinking or feeling. It was like she was... gone. That was it. The old Ella was gone.

She felt a hand on her shoulder, looking round to see Brin. "I'm fine," she said half-heartily and looked back down the empty hall.

"I know," she replied. Holly faced her properly now, smiling. She really was, as well. Somehow, those two words ended up to be the ones she was looking for. If Ella had said sorry, she would still be in her little possy and it would hurt Holly to watch. But now, it was like they had finally parted ways. There was obviously nothing left to salvage.

"I've been angry and I've been sad. Now, I'm done." Holly looked away from Brin and back to the hall, but not because of Ella, because she had to get to class...

"I'm going to take a quick detour. I'll see you later."

"Ok," Brin said and they walked to class, waving goodbye.

Holly wasn't going to class. She needed time to clear Ella completely out of her mind. This really wasn't like her so she didn't know where to go...

An idea formed in her mind. A grin slowly grew at her mouth and she ran upstairs, grabbing a book and her broom. She found the nearest balcony and lept, sweeping up to the top of Ravenclaw tower.

She settled, sat and looked out at the beautiful scene of Hogwarts School. Catching a breath, she breathed in, out, opened the page and read, feeling all of the stress float into the clouds.


Brooklyn sighed in frustration. "Ugh! Why did Ella have to do this?"She muttered to herself. She watched the 4 boys carefully,wondering what they were planning. "Guys...they're coming here!"Brooklyn cried as the boys break apart and walk in their direction.

Brin and Cat turned to Brooklynn and looked at the four boys who were now walking behind them. One of them was new and his arua was also black over his arm. "Who the new kid?" Brooklynn whisperd.

"Is he one of them?" Cat asked. She had been filled in on everything last night.

" I have no clue and yeah he is one of the, Keep walking and act normal. " Brin whispered. THe girls kept walking but Brin new someone was stareing at the bacfk of her head, so she tuned and saw Allen smiling at her. Brin smiled back and waved then regretted doing it.

Nathan looked at Brin the Allen and Grabbed Allen by the arm making him stop moving with the group, Then he started whipering at him. The two other boys, Hollys cousin and the unknown just kept walking. Brin turned back around and relized they were infront of the DADA class room.

The three Hufflepuff then walked in and sat down.

Brin, Brooklynn, and Cat sat next to each other during DADA. Nathan had came in late and had gotten a detension with Draico. They were once again working with the teacups and most of the class were doing alot better then the day before. If you hit Brin's with a book, it wouldn't break. brin did notice however that Steph had left them to go and sit next to Callie, the only member of the shades that really scared Brin.

"We need to keep an eye on Callie. Well we actual need to keep an eye on all of them, maby we should have posts." Brin whiperd to Brooklynn.

"We can discus all of that in the meeting tonight."

"Meeting?" Cat asked.

"The stars have a privet with Dracio. Were talking about everything then."

"You and Kendra should come Cat." Brin told the girl. Cat had been informed by Kendra of what was going on, but they still needed more information.

"Sure. where and when?"

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