Chapter 5

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Brin looked at Hailey, she was nervouse that Camerin was up to no good. When Brin had looked more closely at his aura she had been surprised at what she found. Thought out the conversation he had gone from orange, to red, to green, then back to a slight shade of burgandy. Bin had looked at all this and found out quite a bit about the boy.

He seemed really confident which he really wasn't. He wanted other people approval and didn't like to be challenge. He lost alot of his confidence when Hailey told him she seen better and he had been intimated by CD. He had turn a jealouse green as soon as he had seen him.

He was full of himself and thought he was better then all of them. Brin was sure that he was trying to trick them and thought himself pretty smart that he was. The thing Brin found most interesting was the way fact that everytime he looked at Ella he turned bugandy but his aura was blue when he mentioned his girlfriend.

Brin didn't think that it was rise for Hailey to tell him her secret, and she was going to tell her so as soon as they were alone.

Holly and Ella dragged their suitcases to the sides so as not to hit the girls behind them. Ella and Brin came with Holly and Hailey when they went to get changed and since the bathroom was near the doors, they took their stuff so they wouldn't have to go backwards.

Holly turned to Ella and asked, "Have you seen Dawn on the train? I know I was laughing at Cameron but I'm starting to worry that he won't find her for a while. They were really close."

"Never mind him, what about you? How can you just leave?"

"Shh! Please, just drop it. I'll send you an owl later," Holly whispered to her. Ella sighed.

They stopped beside the bathrooms and Hailey spoke up: "All of the compartments up here are packed."

"We're nearly here. Why don't we just stand in the hall until we arrive?" Ella and Brin stood by their

The train came to a sudden stop as Brin and Ella hung onto there bags. " Hurry up guys were about to get swarmed." Ella called into the bathroom. She was right the students in the compartments were moving fast. Hailey ran out of the bathroom wearing her griffindor robes with an unhappy looking Holly behind. Holly still had to put her Robe on as the others grabbed their things standing next to the close door.

Ella and Hailey stood behind Brin and Holly trying to block the people from running them over. Brin was thankful for that since she was much shorter then the others and could easily get lost in the crowd. Brin held a tighter grip onto her bag and owl Farefert;. The doors flew open and Brin flew into the air landing on the platform. She quickly got to the side of the train so she wouldn't get ran over by the huge crowd.bags as Holly and Hailey had to rush getting dressed.

Cameron had been infront of the train so he left easily, his eyes were blocked by his dark hair. He went to the boat with his black cat Salem who was linked to him and his emotions. He sat down looking as the girls rused off the train a smile on his lips, he knew he had tricked them into avoiding him hopefully he wanted nothing to do with CD. He sighed writing spells he had been creating, his goal was to make a stronger levitation spell.

Ella spotted Cameron climbing into one of the carriges and she quickly dashed over to it. She took a seat next to him and started chatting away merrily, off in her own world. "Are you excited for this year? It's going to be great! We get to boss around first years, choose our elective subjects and hang out with all our friends! Which part are you looking forward to most? I can't wait for the feast!"

"Yeah... that- er... part will be... great..." Cameron mumbled, looking out the window and stroking his cat.

Ella turned to him with oncern in her eyes. "Are you alright, Cammo bro?"

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