Chapter 19

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Picture of Kenda Nadine >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


Brooklynn's face is crimson with embarrassment. How could she be in love with Josh? She started naming reasons in her head . 'cute,funny,crazy,WAIT!'Brooklynn mentally face palms herself. She laughs along with the others though and goes to Potions.

Brooklynn,Brin and Ella walk into the classroom. "Sorry we're late,"Brooklynn says. She quickly finds a seat and takes out her books.

Skyla walked into History of Magic, making sure to cover the mark. "Sorry i'm late, needed to go to the Hospital Wing" She sat down next to Amanda and took her books and parchment with quill out of her bag.

Brooklynn started daydreaming about Josh. She gives a happy sigh as she realises they proberly won't ever get together and would just be friends forever. "Miss Cane!"The professor calls. Brooklynn snaps out of her daydream and looks up. "Y-yes?"She asks. The rest of the class start sniggering. "I just said ,"proffesor started but Brooklynn started daydreaming about kissing Josh.

Eri yawned and stretched as she walked into Potions. "Ms Burns... you're late" Slughorn sighed but didnt do much more. She smirked and walked to the back as she stretched and sat down in an empty chair. She was one of Slughorns favourites... not that she wanted to be... in all honesty,,, he freaked her out, but it was better than getting detention almost every lesson. She pulled out a note book and quill along with everything else she needed.

Kole fixed his fringe, briskly stepped into his history of magic class, and took a seat at an empty desk near he back of the room. He was late... for the sixth time today, if his parents heard of this he would be given all three unforgivables for his punishment. As quietly as he could he placed his notebooks on the wooden counter and took out his quill, hopefully Professor Binns wouldn't notice.

Brooklynn looks at the boy who just walked in curiously. She hasn't seen him before. The professor hasn't realised that this class has an extra pupil. After class,she goes up to the boy. "Hi I'm Brooklynn Cane nice to meet you. I saw you sneak in,"She says sticking her hand out.

Kole smiled, surprised by the greeting. "Kole Vangaurd." He shook her hand. "And I wouldn't call it sneaking." He smirked "More along the lines of stealthy walking, and plus I already know half this stuff, so what's a couple minutes?"

"Well,today I've been a pretty bad ass,I did two class was late for both and missed every other class,"Brooklynn smirks as they walk out. "I wonder where Josh is?"She asks herself quietly.

Amethyst rushes through the hall trying to make her way through the giant school. She bumps into a bunch of the people and they give her rude looks. She sighs as she collapses on a bench, truly tired.

Amanda half listens during History of Magic. All she can think about is Skyla. Amanda wonders if she's going to be okay after everything has just happened. She looks over when this mystery boy walks in to class. Amanda thinks he's cute but mostly likely he'll never give her the time of day. Why would he? She's a bookworm and totally invisible to boys. Amanda has always wondered what it would be like to be in love. She's never known since no boy has ever actually taken a second look at her.

Amanda doodles hearts in her notebook thinking of all this. She's never in her life been so involved like this before. Amanda randomly taps her pencil on her notebook. Oh boy, she thinks to herself.

Holly and Brooklynn went sat down near the back of the class leaving a space for Brin andRidely to sit in the back of the class.

Brin didn't care for potions it had been her least favorite class of all and she was sure that Proffesor slughorn was only gave her a passing grade because she was the youngest Phsyic off the age. The room was filled with fumes and funny smells and they mixed with people's aura giving Brin an instiant headake.

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