Chapter 1: The Right Path - Joe

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Waking up in the morning, with Dee in my arms, is the best feeling ever. She is still sound asleep, and I haven't slept this well in a very long time. No nightmares, just deep relaxing sleep with the woman I love, laying right up against me.

The smell of her hair, and thinking of what we did last night, makes my heart soar. I'm feeling so good that I could stay here forever. Moving her hair away from her face, I could just stare at Dee for hours.

Does she still love me too? We could do it. We could start again once I clear my name. Can I wait that long? No, I don't think I'll ever let her go again. It's so surreal and I feel like I've made it through a long, cold, desolate winter. I realize this season has just begun and she cannot be dragged into this nightmare.

Last night, looking at her beautiful face, I was afraid this was just another dream, so I didn't fall asleep right away. Staring at her, watching her sleep, while I ran my fingers through her hair helped me believe that this was all happening. After an hour or so, I finally allowed myself to close my eyes and drift off to sleep.

Not wanting to wake her this early, I kiss her head and whispered, "Good Morning Sweetheart."

Dee is sleeping soundly and seems so tranquil that she never even stirred.

Getting out of bed without waking her up, I started the coffee pot. Grabbing my journal, I went out to the terrace to get this all written.

This morning's writings are more out of being content, rather than to calm me. It clears my head so I can encompass the big picture better.

What an amazing time we had last night, and I don't want it to end. I am going to ask her to come with us to Pennsylvania.

Dee needs me as much as I need her, and this place is not right for the woman I love. The projects turn into a very forbidding place come sundown.

Looking at my watch, I realize that it's time to call Paul so that he knows what has been happening. Also, if I bring Dee home today, we can plan how to get our daughter back.

Going into the apartment to use Dee's kitchen phone, I dial Paul's number.

"Good Morning Paul," I say happily, and he just starts laughing.

Yup, he knows me well and knows I sound different this morning.

"You are so upbeat... dare I say, even peppy this morning. Is Dee okay or should I call someone to come resuscitate her?" Paul asks in between chuckles.

With a big smile, I look back at the bedroom door and decide to step back out onto the terrace. So I don't wake her up.

I answer, "Funny Paul, hilarious... No, she's fine, but I'm letting her sleep a little longer because I kept her up all night."

Paul laughs even harder as I look at the phone and chuckle.

"We were talking and other things, but that's neither here nor there. Dee is living in the Project's downtown, so I am going to ask her to come home with me. She told me that living here makes her nervous and I can see why. This place is more like a prison, than a place to live." I state.

He says, "So you didn't ask her?"

"No, we haven't talked about everything just yet, but she can't live here anymore. I was almost mugged by her neighbors and God only knows how your car faired throughout the night." Saying this, Paul gasps at that and it makes me smile.

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