Chapter 18: The Reunion - Joe

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Today our nightmare began again. After years of living a semi-normal life, Dee and I had almost forgotten about the madness from our beginning. Each day it became easier to believe the lies we told ourselves. Amy had graduated top of her class from college and got a superb job working for her professor. Our lives became normal, but we should have known it wouldn't last.

After receiving an alarming phone call from Amy, we went to her house and found that someone has been watching her and it's not one of Don's agents. Then, to find out that Donald Millhouse was killed last night hit me like a lightning bolt. He was our friend, our link to the FBI, and someone put Amy in charge of his murder investigation.

This is way too close to home and I have a feeling someone has shaken the tree, to see who falls out. On our way to the house, the car that Amy had told her mother about was following our daughter again. She lost him by weaving in and out of traffic, but I stayed on his tail.

Someone is out to get her, but they found me in the process. We have become complacent, and now we're paying for that unconscious decision. Our Amy is in danger, they are up to no good and it's time to act.

As we caught up to them, Amy was long gone, so Dee and I followed the car for quite a while. Luckily, I could force him off the road and into a very large tree. The man was injured in the crash, but that's nothing compared to what I plan on doing to him.

When I opened the car door, he was unconscious, his head was bleeding and the airbag had deployed. Cuffing this large, lifeless man, I put him in our trunk and need to call my old friend Dave. He has been working with his father in the FBI for the past few years, but we've kept in touch, here and there.

Now that we know his dad has died, I hate to involve him, but I'm not sure what to do with this man in the trunk of our car. Dee and I both agree that he must have something to do with Donald's murder, so we have to contact him either way.

"Dave, it's me, and I am so sorry about your dad," I say, and he's quiet for a moment.

Hearing the door shut, he replies, "Thank you for calling me. It's been a rough day, but I was about to call you. Did you know someone made Amy, the lead forensic investigator of my father's murder?"

"I know, Amy told Dee, and we need to talk in person, right away. There has been a development, and he's unconscious, in my trunk. This man has been following Amy for some time now, and we think he or someone else broke a window in her garage. Also, someone has been watching her through the windows of her house. Dave, our Amy is being pulled into this again and we have to keep her safe. This all started happening at once, just like the last time, and I think this man may know something." I explain, and he is quiet again.

"Okay, I just sent Paul a text. He's heading your way, and we will both meet you at the house in less than an hour. Just keep him in there until we arrive." He says, and I feel so much better.

Remember Amy is waiting at the house for us, and I say, "That's fine, but I put the evacuation plan into place. She will leave shortly for Rochester. Paul can still keep tabs on them, correct?" I ask nervously.

"Yes, that will work perfectly. Paul will give Beth the heads up so she knows Amy is coming for a visit. I'll see you soon." Dave replies and we hang up the phone.

Dee immediately calls our daughter and we send Amy on her way to her best friend's place. Paul and Beth are dating. She helps them occasionally with their cases, and it's the safest place for our daughter. We came up with this plan if these people ever started up again. It's always good to be prepared for the worst-case scenario.

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