Chapter 12: The Cell - Amy

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My nerves are shot, but reading this report is keeping my mind busy. It's captivating and alarming at the same time. Knowing all that went on in this murky and gloomy cavern scares me half to death, but I refuse to give in to that fear. How could Matt let his wife perish? This was already such an ominous place before reading their demented tale. I'm so fearful right now that I worry this will be my fate as well.

Looking around at our jail cells, I notice the freshly painted cinderblock walls. The fresh paint smell mixes with the musty stench, and I have a feeling they cleaned this place up for us. Probably to hide the evidence of past prisoners and slaves. The mixture of odors in here tells me this was done recently, so they knew we would come and be captured. There are a few patched-up areas as well, where girls probably carved their names or the number of days spent trapped in this hole, far beneath the ground.

These cells are older than me, the bars show their age. They were handmade and built like nothing I've ever seen. The metal is bent in places, warped and twisted, just like this place has become. The problem is, they are strong and we have no way of breaking free.

Dave calls Jay over towards his cell. There is an empty one between them, and I wonder why they placed him on the other end. Do they have others who will join us soon? Vin, or my father? As they whisper through the bars about something, I hope Dave has figured out a plan for our escape.

Sitting on the cot, waiting to hear the news I look at the toilet and ignore my bladder. Seeing Jay walk back to his cot, he nods and tries to act casual. God, I hope his people are on their way here to get us out of this mess.

Jay whispers, "Your dad and Cal are on their way, so we need to stall. Dave just received the text a moment ago saying they were close by, but it was sent a while ago. He tried to text back, but we must be too far down in the tunnels to get a signal. We assume it's just the two of them."

Looking at him, I'm now worried that my dad and Vin will be in trouble, too. If they are found as well, we are all lost.

"Does he know how to get to us? Did he bring the map?" I whisper in Jay's ear, and he smiles.

He leans in and says, "They will be here shortly. Just relax baby, the cavalry is coming."

Hearing this, I am anxious, but hopefully, they called for backup. Knowing dad is on the run from the police and FBI, I doubt he would, but I can hope.

Beth whispers, "What's going on?"

Jay tells her as the door to this room opens. When I look up to see who is standing there, I want to hit the floor and crawl under my cot.

Dan Masters walks in, dressed in jeans and a black T-shirt. He has not changed a bit since college. This man was a friend of Kevin's, and was always very large, with solid muscle. Dan always had a strange disposition. Beth dated him for a while. She hates him now and is staring at Dan with daggers in her eyes. I never felt comfortable around him and now that I've remembered all he did to me, I know why.

Casually walking towards us, he is watching me with a wicked look in those green eyes.

"Well hello ladies, I've missed you both. Have you missed me as well?" He asks and my anger level shoots up another 100 points.

The memories flood my mind as I look at him. Dan should be in this cell, not us. I hate this man because he's just as revolting as Kevin.

"Dan Masters! You son of a bitch! I knew you and Kevin were involved in all of this madness. You disgust me!" I scream at the top of my lungs.

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