Chapter 7: The Inner Sanctum - Walter

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The Society

January 11, 1966

Tonight, there was another huge fallout between Matt Roth and Sam Blake. Not only has Samuel Blake slept with Mathew Roth's wife, but he was also caught with his mistress or Matt's "slave" Isabel. He will be brought up on charges tonight by their council of hierarchy. Our informant notified us of this fact. Luckily, we were invited to tonight's monthly meeting.

This evening at the Heath Grove Plantation, everyone was having a good time until the shouting started. In the middle of the induction ceremony, Matt dragged his known slave Isabel out to the center of the room. He chained her to the floor and dared anyone to help this whore he had purchased. She was terrified. The girl's eyes were red, her eye makeup was all down her cheeks, and she just laid there sobbing while speaking in French.

At this point, by what we were observing, Robert and I felt as though Isabel was the type of witness we needed for our case if it were possible. We just had to find a way to get her out. The woman only known as Isabel is very petite, she barely weighs 100 lbs. And is only about 5 feet tall. The first time we saw her, she resembled a young girl. After meeting with our informant, we found out that she was of age and more intelligent than anyone knew. Isabel is stunning, and everyone was infatuated with her beauty, but this woman has been treated poorly over the years. She had several small scars on her body and said that they were from Matt.

Basic human rights do not reside here in this world that the Roth clan has created. Isabel may have seemed willing to live here, but I fear for her safety now. Many of these men do not see her as a human being. She is an object to be used and tossed aside when no longer needed like you would an old shoe. The difference is, the shoe would have been treated better throughout its life.

Matt was furious. He made a scene in front of the entire congregation and found her guilty of infidelity, then he sentenced her to be banished from the Society.

He stated: "Her unfaithfulness and betrayal towards me warrants this action. This woman shall be shunned and cast out for her vile transgressions. I also call out her defiler, Samuel Blake. Not only has he used my wife, for his pleasure, frequently, against my will, but now he has used my slave, without ever having my permission. Our by-laws state a member shall not have sex with another member's slave unless condoned by her owner. This pairing was not condoned by me and therefore, the name Samuel Blake, shall be erased from our ledger, he shall be shunned and cast out with his whore, so say I, Mathew Calvin Roth, Grandmaster of this Society. Step forward and take your punishment, sir." Matt exclaims loudly.

The entire assembly of members seemed shocked by Matt and his blatant misuse of power. They erupted into chaos and debate over this verdict. The problem was that Matt had the right to do it. Those were their laws within this society. The reason they had a hard time with this ruling was that this is what their group was all about. You came to a "meeting" and joined in on the festivities to sleep with whoever you wanted.

Matt never got over Amanda, his wife, who fell in love with Sam. For years, I guess, Matt has refused to allow Amanda to leave their home. He has teased Sam with Isabel for a while now, and I guess Sam finally had enough once they had that big disagreement.

Sam came walking out of the crowd in his black robes. He removed his gold mask and looked at each one of us. No one stepped forward with him, because they were afraid of what Matt would do next. I am only a new member, a spectator, and being undercover has its drawbacks. I wish at that moment I could have helped Sam, but we could not interfere. This must play itself out and hopefully, soon, we will accomplish shutting this place down for good. Saving these young women from slavery is our top priority now.

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