Chapter 10: A Child is Born - Walter

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February 10, 1966

My partner went missing last night and then shows up looking white as a ghost to Matt's office. Not wanting to blow our cover, I acted as if there was nothing wrong, but obviously, he has something to tell me.

Once we pull down the driveway from Heath Grove, I look at him and wait for him to say something. But he's silent.

"Robert, what when on? Why didn't you come back last night?" I asked.

He seemed worried and said, "This needs to be recorded."

Pulling over to the side of the road, I wrote all of this as he spoke and will add it to my report.

The Murder of Amanda Allen Roth:

February 10, 1966

Testimony and Explanation of Events: (as they occurred)

Robert stated, "Last night was the craziest night I've ever had. I met a woman, and her name was Agnes Allen. She took me to her room, and we were together."

"Okay, so you had a good time..." I said, and he shook his head.

Robert explains, "No, there's more... Once we were done, she turned to me and asked if I'd help her and Amanda escape from this place. She wanted me to get them as far away from here as possible. Agnes said that Matt kept her and the sister locked away in the house and that she needed my help to get them out."

He then said, "She was distraught, so I agreed to help them and she led me to her sister's room, which was just down the hall. Agnes had the keys, and we could free her from this cage, but I needed to get the car and find you."

"Well, you didn't, so what happened next?" I state.

He explains, "There wasn't much time, and you were nowhere to be found, so I went out to the car by myself. They told me to meet them on the north end of the woods, near Route 12. At this point, I figured this was a break in our case and I would give them a ride to safety. All I needed to do was to get them out, find a phone, and call HQ."

I state, "Well, that didn't happen either, so could you please explain what course of action, you used?"

Holding up his hand, Robert adds, "When I got outside to my car, there were two men standing guard. They never said a word to me, and I just got in my car and left to meet Agnes and Amanda. After I found our meeting spot, there were three people instead of two. Sam was there, out on the road, with them. The three climbed in and we drove to Canada last night. Agnes knew where there was a cabin that they could stay in and hide for a while."

Hearing all of this, I looked at him in disbelief and said, "Jesus, Robert, you should have found me or waited. That was reckless, doing this on your own. Matt's men are looking for them and whoever helped her escape. We are not supposed to get involved, just observe Robert. Now, I understand why you wanted to help, but this could have ruined our investigation."

"Let me finish and then you will understand why I had to do it, Walt. Listen, I just now got home, but there is something more I need to tell you. They know about us. Sam and the girls knew who we are and who we work for. Amanda said when they got in the car, that she knew who we worked for and why we became members. She said I had to help Sam too, or she would tell Matt the truth. She knew Walt, Agnes knew as well, and she wanted us to get Sam into the witness protection program. Sam said that Matt tried to have him killed. He stated that three men are looking for them with orders to kill Sam on sight. Then, Amanda said that if they were found, she would tell them all about us and we would be the ones running for our lives. We are screwed, Walter. I think we should close up shop. We have enough on them, don't you think?" Robert asks, and I just shook my head.

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