Chapter 14: The Watch - Joe

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As I try to keep calm for Dee, I can't seem to hide my emotions. My mind is racing. This is so insane. Mr. Evans shot himself in the head.

Why did he do this and how come Amy was outside of the house, witnessing this act? None of this makes sense. He's a clean-cut, middle-aged man, been our neighbor for years, doesn't talk much, keeps to himself... Jesus, I'm that guy on the news, who can't believe their quiet neighbor next door could murder someone.

Suddenly the old white-haired watchdog pops into my mind.

Christ, this is just madness.

"Knock.... Knock.... Knock!"

We both jump. I look at Dee and she gets up to open the door. When she does, Paul comes in as Dee quickly shuts and locks the secret entrance behind him.

He looks very wired, and we are all upset by Evans killing himself. This was not something we thought would happen. Technically, all of us were prepared for strange instances from those who have been hunting me, but this went far beyond our reality.

Paul states, "Okay, first, Amy is fine. Mr. Evans disagreed with an older man in his house. It drew my attention so, I was watching them and listening to their rather loud argument. A lot is going on, so bear with me."

"While we were running down the stairs, Evans came out of his house and then killed himself, but why? It looked like he was talking to Amy." I state while feeling anxious.

He replies, "Yes, that is true, but he killed this guy he was quarreling with first and then Evans came outside and shot himself, in front of Amy. I believe that was on purpose. Dave called the police and they will be here shortly. There is not much time, but we need to talk about what went on. Then, I'll go back down there to see if more information has turned up. Once it's clear, I'll return, probably in the morning once everything settles down."

Looking at Paul, I don't know what to do. This is worse than I thought.

"Joe, it's okay. Dave will put Amy in his room for the night. He will sit with her while she calms down and hopefully, she'll fall asleep." Paul explains.

I shake my head and reply, "No, we can't stay in here until the morning. Once the police leave, take us to our car and we will come home from the honeymoon. We'll just say that May called us and we returned. Amy won't be surprised, she knows we're overprotective and will expect us to come home."

Paul clarifies, "Joe, the police will be crawling all over May's place, your yard, and looking through the windows of your house for at least the next few hours, if not more. Listen to me, you don't understand. These people that are following Amy and Dee, they are not after you, they want Amy."

I look at Paul in total confusion.

He adds, "The guy that Evans said for him to do his job and bring her to his lab, but Evans refused. I heard them yelling at each other and fighting about Amy. The guy pointed at your house and said something about her pureblood. But Evans would not do it, so they fought. During this time, Amy snuck out of your house, walked across the porch, and heard some of their conversations too. She was looking in the windows when this all happened and we need to know what she overheard."

"Paul, this makes no sense," Dee whispers, and I agree.

He holds up his hand and says, "When Evans shot the guy, I ran as fast as possible, down those stairs. Dave must have heard me shouting from his room because he was out that door within seconds and had Amy on the ground before I could get to the side door. Then for some reason, Evans apologized to Amy and then shot himself in the head. So, it's not you, Joe... It's Amy."

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