Chapter 9: The Nightmare - Amy

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Looking at these two, I feel so much better Dave and Paul are here and safe. When we all split off, I worried they would be caught. The problem is that I don't see Beth, so we still must search these tunnels.

Dave says, "Amy, thank God you're alright. Paul and I have been wandering around down here, looking for Beth and the two of you, when we stumbled upon this place. The map we have is not very accurate, but it guided us here. We were afraid they caught you guys, so I searched for these cells. I did my best to find it again thinking that if they had you, this is where they might put you."

He hugs me tight and Paul waits for his turn as Jay puts his gun away and walks over to shake his hand.

Looking at the door we had just come through, I tell the guys about the guards that are on the other side. Paul looks at me, then walks over and starts pulling wires out of the security lock. By the time he's done, we all feel much better and no one will know it's been tampered with, thanks to his skills.

Dave says, "We'd better head out."

"I agree. This place is like a maze and we need to find her soon," I say, as Jay nods.

Showing Dave the file on mom, as we walk, he doesn't look surprised by it or the fact dad and Mark are in it as well. While I explain what my thoughts were, he glances through the pages. Dave says he'll look into this further, back at the department. They have people on staff at the FBI that will decipher this information.

"To me, it looks as though they were trying to use their combined DNA to create something, and I am hoping I'm not a product of their creation," I say with trepidation.

Dave replies, "Don't worry, Mark did not know that your mom was pregnant, or that Joe had done it on purpose. Your parents had you naturally, Amy. Not in a lab."

I add, "Still, reading this makes me wonder."

"Hey, did you bring that report from Walter with you?" Dave asks.

I reply, "Yes, but I haven't finished reading it yet."

Dave looks very pleased and says, "So you have the original map!"

"Yes, I was just looking at it. Do you think it's accurate?" I say while handing it to him.

Quickly, he compares the two, only to find they are the same, but it's something to go by at least.

Dave says, "By the way, when you called your dad earlier, he overheard you and Jacob talking."

"What? That went through?" I reply with surprise.

He then answers, "Yes, when the guards came after us, Joe and Calvin heard all that you said and they are on their way in here to help. I told them to meet us in the inner sanctum room."

As he tells me this, I worry about those two getting caught.

They will expect more people now that our cover is blown. We are all hoping there is evidence in the library that's listed on the map. Either way, we need to keep going in that direction, considering those guards must realize we are down here somewhere.

As we continuing down the tunnel, I feel my nerves ramping up. It's a long hallway with tan cinder block walls that are moldy and wet. The ceiling is dripping above us, so I wonder if we are under a pond that they have scattered around the grounds. This tunnel is sparsely lit, with flickering fluorescent lights, and at this point, I'm definitely getting the horror movie vibe.

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