Chapter 11: Our Honeymoon - Joe

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We get back to the house after our wedding, and everything seems okay. Dave is taking his time so that we can check the house out to make sure it's safe. Dee is questioning this plan, but we need to know for sure if Amy is going to be alright without us around. They got to her at the reception, but not maliciously. Still, we were both unnerved by it all, and I want to make sure our daughter is safe. These people are after me, and I worry they will use her to pull me from the shadows.

The other reason we are doing all of this is to see if they will try to take her back. This has to be Mark's people who are watching my family. Amy is the one person in this world that I would do anything to keep safe, and even Mark must know this to be true. She is my only child, and he knows we would do anything to keep Amy out of his clutches.

Our daughter is here for one year then after that, she is at college and we can't watch her every moment. Then, when she starts a job or gets married, I will have no chance of keeping her under lock and key. We need to know now if she is in danger because of me. If she is, then I will have to leave. I refuse to endanger their lives.

This is my test to see if I can have it all, my wife, my daughter, my family and I think I've gotten my answer. I will give this one more chance, but if something goes on, I must leave to save them.

In theory, she has been watched since she was 3 years old, by the Allen's, to see if I would show up. We all were on alert when Dee moved here as well, yet nothing happened. So, either they didn't know it was me or they do and are just watching us for some other reason. At least now, Amy is being protected by our people.

We are working the bugs out, but either way, I finally have one of our questions answered. Someone is out there keeping tabs on my family. They showed up at the wedding and made themselves known.

Dave and Amy pull up, while Paul goes around outside to make sure it's safe. They come in as I go up to get our bags. Time for the moment of truth. Amy only thinks we are going for a few days to Niagara Falls, but really, we will be next door. We told everyone at the wedding, the people at Roth Corp and the people at Penn State, that Dee and I would be gone, so now we'll just have to wait.

Amy went directly upstairs to change her clothes. This allowed us to talk. Dave spoke with Amy and now we will hear her side of the story.

He explains, "Amy told me the guy seemed nice. He called her Amelia and told her she was just as beautiful as her mom. She didn't say it, but I think Amy believes it was her actual father."

"Oh my God," Dee says with a gasp.

Dave adds, "She knows the man gave you a lot of money and Amy's trying to figure out the truth. That girl is very inquisitive like her parents. Maybe we should tell her the truth, Joe."

He looks at me as I think about it for a moment.

My wife is pretty upset that Amy thinks this guy was me. I can't put her in any more danger, no matter how much I want her to know the truth. Shaking my head no, I look at Dee.

"Amy, we are leaving!" Dee yells up the stairs.

As we wait for her to come down, Dave and Paul go next door, and I try to decide the right course of action. Should we continue with all of this? Or not...

Amy meets us in the foyer. She looks tired and says, "Bye Mom, I love you. Now have fun. Please do not worry about me and enjoy yourselves."

Dee smiles as Amy kisses her on the cheek.

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