Chapter 16: May - Joe

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Tonight, our very good friend, May Snow, invited us over for dinner, and for the first time we will be able to talk generally, but this is a difficult situation. Our daughter Amy started college today. She has moved out and we are anxious about her safety. This very strong young woman lives right down the road, but Amy is on her own, and this morning's strange encounter needs to be discussed.

 For the past year, after the murder next door, all has been quiet. We have been on high alert since that terrible episode, but as far as strange people or unexplained incidents, nothing has gone on. We still have kept Amy close, which annoys her to no end, since she's been on her own for most of her life. We are just very overprotective parents, in her eyes. If she only knew why we act this way, it would make life much easier, but at what cost?

Having her best friend come here to tour the campus proved to be the best idea. Amy is much happier now, and she was looking forward to school again. This made her mother and I very pleased, and Beth's parents as well. All was going perfectly until this morning.

We caught a young woman in Amy's dorm room setting up cameras in her ceiling. Little Miss Lina Yang was ushered out and placed in a squad car. Dave and Paul followed them and she was arrested for felony voyeurism. This girl was also caught with illegal military-based surveillance equipment, so Dave contacted the FBI as well. He said one of their agents would meet him at the jail this afternoon. The Dean said that she will be expelled and her student visa will be revoked once she is arrested. He added, either way, Lina will be reported to SEVIS, which is the Student and Exchange Visitors Program.

Knocking on May's door, it opens, and a man is standing there smiling.

"Deidre, it's great to see you. Mom has been cooking up a storm and we are in for a veritable feast tonight." He says.

She looks at me and then says, "Don, I um... Sweetheart, you remember my boss from Roth Corp. This is Mr. Millhouse."

I look at him in confusion and try to understand what is happening.

Don says, "Come on in. Dave and Paul are in the dining room, looking through some paperwork I brought over."

Not knowing what else to do, we entered and walked through to the dining room.

Shit, I should have brought my gun because this seems like a setup.

Sitting at the table are May, Dave, and Paul, along with several files of paperwork. Dave is reading something. Then he looks up at me and smiles. Paul stands up with a grin on his face as well. May sees me and holds out her hand.

 As I reach for it, she says, "Joe, I want you to meet my son-in-law."

Jesus, I can't believe she just called me by my real name.

Turning around, Don is standing there with a knowing look, and Dave joins him.

May adds, "Donald is David's father, and he works for the FBI. After tonight, there will not be any more secrets between us. All will be out on the table, just like the evidence Don brought us to look through this evening."

 Holding out his hand, Don says, "It's nice to finally meet you, Joe."

Looking at Dave with his dad, my friend nods as I shake this man's hand nervously.

"Don, you work for the FBI? When did that happen?" Dee asks apprehensively.

He takes a seat at the table, but I'm not ready to sit and neither is Dee.

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