Chapter 6: The Awakening - Amy

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Reading about the investigation into Vin and Jay's grandfathers is just insane. Then there is the part where Grandma Daphne has sex with Dad's father, Walter, which just blows my mind. What are we, hamsters? My family must have a glandular problem or hormone imbalance to be this horny all the time.

Continuing to read on I see something that I need to share. "Jay, this is so hard to believe and how is it they could keep this all from us for so long? Did you know about Isabel? How she was purchased in Sudan by Matt? She is definitely a person of interest."

Jay walks over to me and takes my hands.

"No, that is one I hadn't heard." He states.

I add, "You need to read all of this and how all of our families are intertwined. Now, there are the three of us... God, are we just continuing this warped pattern?"

"Amy, I am just as shocked as you are, by all of this information that has come to light. I knew nothing about you other than what Beth and mom had told me. When I met you that night at your graduation, something changed in me. You have never left my mind, and I hoped we were getting a second chance together." Jay says and I smile at him because I thought so, too.

He adds, "I know you care for Cal and he is head over heels for you too, but all I ask is that you give me a chance. Once this insanity is over and the dust settles, then make your decision or don't and let's continue as we are for a while. Just try not to make any rash decisions, is all I ask."

Jay puts his arms around my body and pulls me into his embrace. It's a sweet, adoring kiss that makes your toes curl. He has the softest lips. Jay is gentle, but powerful at the same time. He slides his fingers through my hair and gently runs his hand down my back. My lord, this man can kiss, and he's getting me all worked up.

Just as I am about to ask him for more, he lets me go and walks back over to the file cabinet without saying a word. I feel completely out of sorts and confused by him. This man has me right where he wants me and then backs away, making me want him even more.

Well played, sir. Well played.

Picking up the copy of the report, I continue to read on as Jay searches for more information. It's not like in the movies where the information just falls into your lap. Reading through all of this is tiring and aggravating. Jay must be so worried about Beth, but Dave and Paul are searching for her. We have a job to do down here. They had this all worked out, the perfect plan, but that was before armed men showed up.

While I read through this report, I now believe that everyone around us is involved, in one way or another. I should check in with the office soon, but Harry must be a part of this, too. He knows Vin and Jay's families, plus he has been watching over me since I started at Penn State.

"Jay, you knew Harry Leech, my boss. How well does your dad know him?" I ask, and Jay stops what he is doing and comes over to me.

He answers, "Pretty well, I think. They have played golf together for many years and he has been to our house a few times now."

Then it hits me.

"Ok, so how is it possible that my best friend Beth, never mentions that she knows the man who was my professor, mentor, and now my boss?" I ask, and he thinks for a moment.

Jay answers, "Because, I don't think they have ever met. I know him mostly from the club and playing golf with dad. He came to my graduation party from law school, but Beth wasn't there. She had left to go out with that Tim, who moved to California."

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