Chapter 8: University Ave - Joe

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As I wait for Dee to come home, I worry that bringing her here will open a big can of worms. So far, they have done nothing, but now, Amy is going to live here and that will definitely turn the spotlight on us. We are both worried that people are watching her, just to get to me.

Paul and Dave are in place. Everyone is nervous, but if we don't do this now, we may never get Amy back. I have not seen her in a very long time. Whenever we talk about Amy, I picture that sad little tiny thing, sitting on the fallen tree in the woods.

I just hope we're doing the right thing for the right reasons.

Mike said that the interim judge was clueless, so that helped us. The people fighting this will not be happy once they realize Amy is already gone. Dee called her last night to tell our daughter that she would be there today to collect her. Dee asked Amy not to say anything to the Allen's until she arrived. She said that Amy was shocked and seems apprehensive about leaving Pinerest Lake. But we have to do this now.

We have talked about the fact that Amy is older now, and she's almost a grown woman. Dee and I need to treat her as such because our daughter is no longer a child. This will be harder for me, more so than for her. That's how I've always seen Amy, and I need to get to know the young lady she has grown up to be.

Dee told her to bring what she wanted, but that they would go shopping to buy all new things for her. Amy seemed excited about that somewhat, but she is not thrilled about leaving. So many changes in just the past two weeks. Amy is coming home. I asked Dee to marry me and we are currently planning our wedding that will occur in 3 weeks.

It's so strange, for so long we have been on hold. Now, it feels like things are moving quickly. Maybe that's why I'm so worried about all of this and the fact that we are not completely prepared if something goes wrong.

Our group is on high alert around here, waiting for the other side to show their hand, now that we have shown ours. They must be furious that we are taking Amy back, but this might all be in my head. I have no proof that there even is a "they" let alone who these people even are to this day. Either way, I am more out in the open now more than ever, along with Dee and now Amy.

Dee agreed to marry me, so we are going to have a small wedding with a few friends and some coworkers. She started working at Roth Corp, a year ago. Paul felt it was safe because he could keep an eye on her, and they had no record of her ever working at the Syracuse office. How Mark pulled that one off I do not know, but it benefited us.

Since she started, Dee has got into the file room to search out different records and was able to find a few bits of information. Mark owed several people quite a bit of money and was caught stealing funds from an account in the name of The Plantation House.

Thinking back, I remember Mark calling the Heath Grove house that name a few times.

She also found Mark's will and in it, strange provisions stating a rite of passage for his son Calvin. I had forgotten all about the boy and that he even existed.

In the will, he has set up a sex slave and training for his son. What a strange thing for a father to do for his boy, but it might be the Roth way. Then when Calvin turns 30 years old, he will get everything.

Strangely, Eve never spoke of their son to me. How is it possible that after all these years, I had never even met Mark's kid? They probably sent their child off to boarding school as soon as he could crawl, knowing Mark.

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