Chapter 15: Lost in Time - Amy

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While Vin and I sit together in this awful cell, waiting for Beth and Jay to regain conciseness, I read the report my grandfather wrote and notice that 7 months are missing. I'm sure those pages would have been important, but I'll have to make due. My mind is reeling at the fact that Matt left Amanda to die in that cave. Walt saved Sara and Sam went missing. I can't help but assume that Matt killed Sam Blake. As I think about Walter's last entry, he died at the Roth Estate and undoubtedly by Mark's hand. We have to find him and make that bastard pay for all of his crimes.

Reading this through, I believe they were involved in cloning back then and this worries me.

I say to Vin, "The body of Sam Blake was never found. Matt could have killed him, possibly buried Sam somewhere down in these tunnels, and no one would ever find his body."

He looks at me, shakes his head, and says, "I doubt that, baby. They found his car near the pond. I bet he either got away or was buried out there somewhere. Come here. I want to hold you."

Vin does not want to talk about all of this right now. He must be thoroughly disgusted with his family. We have learned a lot of information in the past few days, and none of it was good. The poor man, I feel terrible that we've brought this all out in the open, but we had no choice. He is so angry right now, and who could blame him.

Turning around, I kiss him and he just smiles at me. The look is gone, he's hurting, and the only way to make this better is to put this all to rest.

While reading, my mind is wandering. There is a sweet smell in the air suddenly. Between the lack of sleep and the drugs they gave me, I can no longer focus.

Handing the report to Vin, he slips it under our cot for safekeeping once again.

Feeling my adrenalin wearing off, I lay back. Vin is holding me in his arms and brushes the hair away from my face as I relax and drift off to sleep.

He's such a good man and I feel safe in his arms. Vin would never let anyone harm me. He has always been my protector, and I have total faith in him.

When I wake up, which feels like minutes later, Vin is kissing me. He touches me and caresses my body with his muscular hands. Kissing my neck and rubbing my breasts, he gently moves lower. Not having the strength to say no, I allow him to do as he wishes.

Quickly Vin gets up. He walks around the cot and helps me into position so that I can hold on to the bars. Glancing up at Vin, this man looks at me with such need and lust that I gladly give myself to him. I want him so badly and need to feel safe in his arms while he's within me.

Pushing my legs apart roughly, he finds his way to my core, then rubs and tastes me. This feels so amazing as he consumes me.

Gripping the steel, I try to restrain myself as he watches my reaction to his ministrations.

Once I'm right there with him, Vin stands and grabs the sheet. He rips a strip off and smiles while doing so. This excites me, and memories of our pond come flooding back. Taking the strip of material, he binds my hands to the bars. Vin wraps them up snug and then kisses me roughly. He bites my lip, then moves lower and consumes my breasts. My amazing man continues to move south until he is back where I want him, working my body up into a frenzy.

Vin's manipulations bring on such an urgency within me that I moan out my need for more. He quickly stands and undoes his jeans and he's such a sight to see.

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