Chapter 4: The Masquerade - Walter

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Oct. 12, 1965

Tonight was their Masquerade Ball at Heath Grove, and it all went as planned. Twelve of our clients decided to attend, so we chartered a jet and flew out together for the weekend. It was the least we could do for them, being that 5 were my new clients that our agents brought with them. Another couple that is part of our department came together, then Robert and myself. Having this many people, I knew that anything they heard or saw this weekend would come back to me immediately and you can't buy that kind of help.

The 14 of us got there in 30 minutes. After getting our bags from the jet, we then filled the 2 limos that Matt sent over for us.

Once there, we were escorted inside and found the house to be decorated completely in 17th-century décor. We were told it was black tie and when we arrived; they gave us masks to wear for the evening's events. Each was different in its own way, very detailed, and quite elegant. The main foyer was remarkable. It reminded me of pictures I've seen of the Palace of Versailles, especially with the two men dressed in blue and gold, like palace guards.

When these men opened the great doors and allowed us access to enter the ball, I was impressed. They had gone out of their way for the decorations and the food was remarkable. Afterward, we could roam throughout the house. The attention to detail was amazing, and I felt very captivated by the different aspects of the party.

The first room I entered was labeled "the auction", so I felt this warranted my immediate attention. Then once inside, I found it to be totally consensual. The women showed the audience their "talents" and you bid on a woman you wanted for the evening. Watching this take place, I bid on one lady. She would be my guide throughout the house, and then later I'd set her free.

This woman's name was May. She was very attractive and graceful when strolling out onto the stage. May was wearing next to nothing except for a sequin bikini top, a skirt made of veils, and a silver lace mask. She has very long dark hair, her eyes are a deep blue like the ocean, and this woman was portraying a belly dancer for this evening. The way she moved those hips, I'll admit, I was mesmerized and ended up paying $600 for her, and she was worth every penny. We spent the night talking and enjoying each other's company.

Miss May told me about the club and how she came to join. The girl explained that her best friend is Amanda Roth and that she had married Matt Roth, one of the three owners. May lived with Amanda, growing up, and they had been together ever since. She stated they treat the women here like gold, everything is free and they get routine health care here as well, by a doctor on staff. May also said that everyone who works there is clean and safe. If there is ever a problem, the owners take care of it swiftly and fairly. May explained this right off the bat and, rather sternly, letting me know she was not a prostitute. That the money from the auction goes to a charity and is not actual payment for services.

During the evening, May stated frankly that she just enjoys sex, and this was completely consensual. She was never ordered to do this by anyone and may refuse any patron. May is allowed to help anywhere she wishes, so she was a slave tonight and enjoys it very much. This woman gave me a tour of the entire house and I found her to be correct. There were several ladies here, masked and mostly naked, but no one looked distressed or upset. They seemed to enjoy all the attention they were getting.

This place does not seem dark or seedy like we were told. Of course, the owners may hide this part from us, knowing we are all new clients. She also mentioned that this party was much smaller than the ones she's been to in the past. Maybe they only invited certain members this evening. I will continue to monitor the "Society" and watch for any changes.

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