Chapter 19: The Residence - Mathew

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Mathew C. Roth Deposition

Council inquiry into the disappearance of:


Testimony of the accused:


Item #31 A–Testimony from December 4, 1949

"Winter Festival" Investigation and Request for New Housing

Written and dictated voice recordings are added to this testimony.

Our Winter Festival was planned out to the letter. I wanted it to be very inspirational for all of my college brothers. This was to be the most intense night of their lives until now, and it was all going to be thanks to us. As we set up the dungeon in the basement of the Sigma Pi fraternity house, I felt a sense of excitement and urgency about the night's festivities. We had brothers from other schools attending that evening, so it had to go perfectly.

1949 Sigma Pi. Dungeon in the basement?

I remember what I'd said to Sam that day, "Say goodbye to those stupid poodle skirts and ponytails, well, actually they can keep the tails. It's always fun to give them a tug when we get going. Are you ready for tonight, Sam?"

While we walked down the stairs together, he replied, "Yup, I sure am, and I think we should check on Andy, to see if we have all the paperwork in and signed. That way if anyone tries to claim that the treatment, they are receiving is not what they asked for, they will not have a leg to stand on and we will have documentation to back us up. Also, we will check their IDs at the door. If they don't have their identification and are not on the list, they will be turned away before they enter the premises. I refuse to be brought up on charges because someone didn't bother to turn in their papers or feels they were not given the correct type of attention, let's say."

We both chuckled at that and continue towards Andy's room.

This must be when it all began.

We got to his door and knocked, then we heard, "Fuck guys! What do you need now?" Andy said through the door. I am hysterically laughing and so is Sam at this point because we knew he was getting ready for the night.

"Jesus Pounder, put it away and open the door. There is no way you will keep it up tonight if you're yanking on it now." Sam said and I am rolling on the floor.

"You both are just cruisin' for a bruisin'. Now get bent, assholes." Andy replied angrily, and we just kept laughing.

Sam and I then decide to give Andy some time to collect himself, so we continued down to the newly decorated basement.

Sam said to me, "Matt, this place is so cool, and we have all the fast girls lined up and ready to go for tonight. They are all getting ready for this event, but do not know what they are really in for, and I can't wait. Some of these chicks think they know what's coming, but they don't have a clue. The drinks are ready to go and I have a feeling that this pad will be hopping tonight." He was almost as excited as me at this point.

"Hey assholes, why is it you two can never give me a moment's peace. You know I need to prepare for tonight and yet you keep wrapping on my door and invading my space. What do you want?" Andy asked in a very annoyed tone.

Turning around, we went back to his room to discuss the membership paperwork. To make sure we were ready for the night.

Sam then said, "Andy, all we wanted was to make sure you have all the memberships signed and if the list was ready for the front door. I have two of our Nittany Lions watching the door tonight, and they are a couple of dipsticks. We do not want the fuzz getting involved tonight, or the campus cops either. This needs to go off with no problems tonight if we want to continue this on after graduation."

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