1 ~ Decisions

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Sebby was screeching and I dragged myself out of bed and rubbed my eyes exhaustedly, wondering if Lin was awake yet. I quickly went to his bedroom and lifted the crying baby out of his crib.

"Shhh....Shhh..."I cooed at him while gently bouncing him, "C'mon baby, please stop crying....Shh..."

Eventually he calmed down and quietly hiccoughed. I pat his back and take him out to the kitchen where I set him down in his high chair. 

I started preparing some baby cereal. While warming some water, I grabbed a box of Oat Baby Cereal and mixed it together and letting it cool down a bit. I also warmed a small cup of milk and poured it into a sippy cup for Sebby. 

Silent footsteps started nearing me, so I turned around to see Lin yawning and walking into the kitchen. 

"Morning Pips. Thanks for getting Sebby, you're the best." Lin smiled.

"Hey sleepyhead. I'm getting his breakfast cereal ready right now. " I told him. 

I grabbed a chopping board and sliced up half a banana and mixed it with his cereal. "Open up!" I squealed.

Sebby obediently opened his mouth and clapped his hands. I fed him his cereal and put the bowl and spoon in the sink. Lin started coffee and Sebby was sipping his milk. I grinned at the thought of having my own family, but then I was just living here temporarily with these two. 

Sebby isn't even biologically mine, but I love him like he is. 

I walked back into my bedroom and changed out of my white cropped tank top and black shorts, and put on a grey hoodie and black leggings. I throw my old clothes into the hamper and head back into the kitchen where I see Lin tickling and playing with Sebby. My heart swells and I smile. He's such a great father...

"Hey boys!" I grin

"Mah...Mah!" Sebby babbles, and I giggle.

"Oh Pippa I've got to tell you something later..." Lin muttered.

"Oh sure!" I told him.

"Can you watch Seb for a bit? I'm gonna go to the bathroom." 

"Sure! Come here, Sebby!" I giggle

Sebby pulls himself to me and I pick him up, and bring him to the small living room and set him down on his playmat. "Peek a boo! " I chuckle. 


I leave the bathroom and head to the living room where I hear Pips playing with Sebby. I feel a light flutter in my stomach and take a few deep breaths. We've got to figure out what we are going to do.

Pippa heads to me with a tired Sebby in her arms and I see her set my son in his crib and she slowly closes the door.

"Hey, what did you want to tell me?" Pippa asks.

"Wait I'll get you some coffee. " I quickly say. I go to the kitchen and pour both of us cups of coffee and I go to the living room where she was waiting.

"So...um" I start, "I wanted to tell you..."

She doesn't say anything, waiting for me to finish. She's so patient.

"I think I have well....feelings for you." I finish, while wincing. 

Those few seconds waiting for her answer felt like hours. 

She smiles and says "Well...I feel too actually." 

I feel like a huge bubble swelled inside of me and I look at Pippa. I look at her stunning dark brown eyes and we both close our eyes at the same time....and lean togehter and we kiss passionately, for the first time that was not scripted.

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