9 ~ Unexpected Tragedy

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LIN POV. (TW: Suicide Mention)

When I woke up, Pippa was already up. She had an upset look on her face, and was on the phone with someone. I mouthed, "You okay?"

She shook her head quickly, still looking solemn. I gently rubbed her arm comfortingly, before getting breakfast ready for Sebby. I could overhear her talking with someone.

"What about Riley and Benji?" Pippa asked. I couldn't hear what was happening, but Pippa nodded her head and replied, "Can you give me a few minutes? I'll need to discuss that with Lin."

"Thanks, bye." Pippa said.

"Discuss what? What happened?" I asked her.

"Meg's husband killed himself. Remember Meg passed a few months ago too?" She sighed.

"Oh no. Right. What about Riley? I'm so sorry Pippa." I frowned, reaching my arms around her to hug her, but she held out her hand.

"But there's more." She added. I raised my eyebrows.

"They've got 2 kids." Pippa said, "I'm their godmother."

"Does that mean...?" I began.

"Yep." Pip sighed, rubbing her forehead.

"Poor kids. How old are they?" I asked. I've met Riley multiple times, and Riley knows Pippa well. I just haven't met Benji and Sebby hasn't met either of them.

"Riley is 12 and Benji is 1" Pippa frowned, feeling upset about what happened. 

"You should call them back. It's been 7 minutes." I noted.

"Right...right." Pippa sighed, before dialling the number again.





I gently cried as Lin comforted me. I was really close to Megan and Jason. Their poor kids... I picked up my phone as it dinged, telling me that I got a text message. 

The message said: "Mrs. Phillipa Soo, we need you to pick up Miss Riley Carson and Mister Benjamin Carson this afternoon. We will provide you with her information when you arrive..." 

There was information about the location and the number to call if we had any questions. I let them know we would be arriving at 2 PM, in a few hours. 

Lin and I drove to target and picked up a bunch of supplies for the two kids, like snacks, clothes, beds, bottles, car seats and more.

We arrived at their old home and Lin knocked on the door. We had already set up the baby car seat for Benjamin in our car. 

A woman opened the door and called for the kids, "Riley! Lin and Phillipa are here."

I saw Riley walk out, carrying a blue backpack, and a baby carrier with her little brother inside. Lin picks up the carrier and I grab Riley's hand. 

Her long dark brown hair was pulled up into a ponytail, and she had dark brown eyes. Her light skin covered in red splotches. Poor girl was so nervous, but her younger brother didn't understand. He also had dark hair and brown eyes, but he was pretty content. Little Benji didn't understand what happened to his parents. 




We arrived home at around 3PM and we were all greeted by Sebby running to us, with Bayley trailing closely behind him.

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