19 ~ A Fresh Start

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"Congrats! It's a girl!" The doctor says, handing me my newborn daughter. I cry tears of joy as they rest her on my chest. Seconds later, they whisk her away, Lin cuts the cord, and they clean her up. 

With a baby pink hat on, wrapped in a light pink blanket, they hand me my daughter and I gush. She has the cutest nose and is tiny. 

"What will her name be?" Lin asks.

"Amara Camille Miranda." I say proudly. I had chosen names beforehand, but never told Lin. If the baby was a boy, his name wouldve been Eric Alejandro Miranda, but we had our little girl.

"Our little Amara." He smiles, "Sebastian, Madeline and Amara."

"Our little family."




!Time Skip!
Sebastian: 7
Madeline: 3
Amara: 1

Bailey is 3, and Flounder has passed away.


"Linnnnnn!" Pippa pouts. "I want another baby."

"Babe you just had one!" I proclaim.

"That was a year ago." She huffs. "Mara is 1, so now is the perfect time to have another baby."

"Why do you want another baby that bad, we already have 3!" I protest.

"Jazzy just had her fourth! Lucy is adorable. Now they have Jayden, Ace, Corbin AND Lucy!"

"You've got baby fever." I sigh.

"Yes I do, and there isnt anything wrong with that, is there?"

I sigh again. "I'll think about it."

"Hurry uppppp...Think faster." Pip pouts. "I. Want. Another. Baby. Now. Please. And. Thank. You. LIN."

"Okay fineee but you need to play some games first." I laugh, wiggling my eyebrows. 

"What games?" She grunts.

"Well 'Fun' games... in the bedroom." I tease, backing away.

"Always. Please." She says, surprising me.




Sebby, Maddie and Mara have been doing amazing the past year, and Maddie looks like me, while Amara looks identical to Pippa. 




A/N: I'm too lazy to continue, and next chapter will be smut, so please skip to the chapter after the next (21) if you dont want to read it.
P.S. And yes I'm continuing it aga

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