22 ~ Injury

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We immediately got used to being a family of six. But Lin really wanted to grow our family more. He really wanted me to be withchild and carry another baby for us. 

This morning when I was changing Rio's diaper, I was thinking about it. Should we have another baby? Or should we not? Would we be better as a family of seven?

I washed the dishes, before getting ready for Seb to go to 3rd grade, Maddie to kindergarten and A to pre-k. And Bailey was going to puppy day care to interact with other dogs. So it was just me, Lin and Rio at home today. 

Once the kids and dog were at where they needed to be, I put Rio into a baby wrap against my body, and started finishing chores. As I scrubbed the kitchen counter, Lin came up to me and gently placed his hands on my hips and slowly kissed my neck. "Hey babe." He whispers.

"What's up?" I ask, focusing on a small stain, trying to scrub it away.

"We should have another baby." He smiles, before adding, "Please."

"Lin, I dont know. Isn't 4 kids enough?" I ask. 

"Pleeeeaaaaseee??" He begged, kissing my neck more.

I laugh, and reply, "I'll think about it. Maybe." 

"Ughhhh fine. It's just 1 more baby." He groans.

"We dont have space! What, is it going to sleep in the closet or something? We're out of room, Lin." I side.

"Hmph." He pretends to be angry and stalks away, grabbing his laptop on the way out of the kitchen.

Rio giggles and tugs on my hair. "Baby, stop please! That hurts haha." I gently chide, pulling my hair out of his tiny fist.  I grab a hair tie off the counter and quickly tie up my hair into a messy bun so he couldnt pull at it anymore.

I rinsed the sponge in the sink, and put it away. But then my phone started ringing, so I went and grabbed it. "Hello?" I answer.

"Hi, is this Miss Phillipa Soo?" The caller asks.

"Yes, this is her speaking." I respond, a bit confused who was calling.

"Your son, Sebastian Miranda, got injured. We need a parent or guardian to come pick him up." She tells me, "He fell off the play structure and we've brought him to the office. We think he might've broken something, so maybe bring him to the hospital to get an x-ray."

Oh shit. 

"Okay thanks so much, we're on our way." I reply, quickly hanging up the phone. "Lin! We have to go to Seb's school! He got hurt!" I call.

He sprints to the kitchen, and we immediately get to the car and drive to Seb's school. Once we get there, we ring the office and we see Seb sitting in the chair next to the office desk, crying in pain.

"Oh, buddy! You'll be okay. You're going to be fine." I console him.

"Mommy it hurts! It hurts!" He cries.

"Seb, you'll be okay. I promise. We're going to take you to the hospital, bud." I say, giving him a hug. 

We thank the front desk, and Lin carries Sebby to the car, making sure not to injure his foot.

When we get to the hospital, I fill out all the information as Lin brings our son in on a wheelchair. Then once we get the x-ray done, the doctor comes out with a clipboard. "So, his ankle is fractured. Not too bad, but probably will need to be in a cast for 4-6 weeks." He explains, while wrapping up Sebastian's foot. 




Time Skip 

"Pippaaaaaaa. Please can we have another baby? Rio's 1 now. Perfect time to have another kid." Lin begs. I look at him and laugh. 

"Maybe." I wink.

"Please? Rio is 1, and when we have another kid they will be 2 years apart. Just like Maddie and Mara. And Mara and Rio. All 2 years apart, except Seb. Please?" He begs.

"You're not the one carrying the baby for 9 months though. " I laugh. He groans.

"Pippa, pleaseeeee."

"Fine. Yes. We'll have another baby. We can try tonight, my parents wanted to take the kids out."

"Yesssss! Yay!" He celebrates, doing a ridiculous dance on the couch, and I roll my eyes.

That night, we tried for a baby. And it was perfect timing too, I was ovulating. 




A few months later, I decided to take a test. We tried multiple times, but I never told Lin if it was positive or negative.

When I went grocery shopping, I picked up a pregnancy test on the way to checkout, and immediately used it once I got home. 

It was the longest 3 minutes ever. Finally, I flipped it over.


Oh. My. God. Lin will freak out. He's gonna be so excited.

I wrap up the used test in a paper towel and put it in my pocket and go back to our room to get Rio, and we headed to Target. 

I looked around the baby section, and finally found a onesie saying "Big Brother", and chose the right size to fit Rio. 

We paid for it, and I also picked up a bag of gummy worms. When we got home, I washed the onesie and let it dry, then I went to pick the kids up from school, daycare and the dog from doggy daycare. 

Once I plated the dinner, I went and put the onesie on Rio, then set him down in the bassinet. 

"Pip! Kids! I'm home!" Lin calls from the front door. I go and give him a kiss on his cheek. 

"How was work?" I coo, hanging up his coat.

"Great! The show is going well." He smiles. 

"That's amazing! You're right on time for dinner too, wash up first." 

"Thanks Pips, you're the best."

"Oh and can you get Rio after?" I ask, before heading back to get the other kids.

"Of course."

A few minutes later, he shrieks, "PIPPA! OH MY GOD! PIPPA!", running out to the kitchen. 

"You're pregnant? Oh my god! Oh my gosh!" He squeals.

I smile and place my hand on my belly, and he engulfs me and Rio in a super big tight hug.

"Oh my god. Oh my god. I'm so excited." Lin tears up, while squealing.

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