11 ~ Gone

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Riley and I are walking home from the pet store. She decides that she wants to get a sun conure, which is some kind of parrot or something. We are getting to get the parrot named "Pineapple" next week. She's a girl and they call her "Appy", which is adorable. The pet store is going to be bringing Appy to our apartment next week and Riley is so excited.

Lin is at home on his own, because the boys are with his parents. We also got Riley a phone a week ago, in case anything happens.

We arrive at the street where our apartment is, and suddenly a masked man wearing black jumps out of a large truck. Riley screams and grasps my arm. I move her behind me and growl at the man, "What do you want? Leave us alone."

The man snorts and does the worst thing ever. He kicks my belly...HARD. I gasp and clutch my stomach, blood quickly trickling down my leg. The masked man jumps back into his truck and speeds away. 

"R-Riley. Call Lin. Now. Hurry." I gasp, pulling out my phone. She nods quickly and presses Lin's contact. I try moving, but I whimper in pain.

"Hello?" Lin asks.

"Lin! Please come quick. We're outside, someone hurt Pippa." Riley sobbed.

"I'm coming right now. Oh my god...Oh my god." He whispers, and I could hear him storming out of our apartment. 

A minute later, he's out of breath, driving the car to us. He gets out and helps me in, and Riley scrambles into the back seat. 

I'm mentally cursing myself because I let someone hurt my baby. I clutch my stomach protectively and tears are pouring out of my eyes. 

Lin has one hand on the wheel and the other is holding my hand, squeezing it.




At the hospital, the doctor used a probe and looked at the screen. I couldn't see it because my eyes were filled with tears, not because of the pain. I'm too worried about my daughter to worry about the pain. I quietly cried as the doctor carefully watched the screen. 

Lin is sitting next to me, comforting me, grasping my hand and gently squeezing it. The doctor sighed and I looked up immediately. "It's not looking good." The doctor frowned, causing me to cry even louder. 

He checks a few more times before saying, "I'm sorry for your loss. The impact killed her."

I sobbed loudly into Lin's shoulder where he rubbed circles on my back. 

(I honestly don't know how this stuff works so just go along with it-)

"We've got to deliver the baby and then you can decide what to do with her." He said.

Lin called his parents and they came and picked up poor Riley. I kept crying and my face turned all red. 

They gave me some kind of needle and I had to push out my daughter. I cried the entire time and after she was out, they cleaned her up and put her in a small blanket. 

She didn't even look like a real baby yet, but she was adorable. I couldn't get over her. I cried through the entire night I stayed at the hospital, and Lin was awake most of the night, comforting me, while he quietly cried.

The next day they discharged me and my face was still red and puffy. Lin hugged me tight and whispered comforting words.

Once we arrived home, Riley ran to me and hugged me very tight. "Are you okay, Pippa?" She asked, sweetly.

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