17 ~ Home

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As soon as my plane landed, I got off as fast as I could, and got home as soon as I could. I grabbed my key, and unlocked the door with a huge smile.

I missed this place so much. I missed everything about it. I let myself into our home and set my bag down. Almost immediately, my son came bounding out of the hallway and rushed to greet me.

"Daddy!" Seb screamed.

"Hey lil man! I've missed you!" I laughed.

Down the hallway, I could hear a concerned Pippa asking, "Sebby?"

She appeared, and stopped in her steps, gaping at me. "Mommy! Daddy's back!" Sebby squealed.

"Hey..." I smiled, waving at her. I admired her, deeply missing her. 

She looks down and replies. "Lin..."

"What's wrong?" Sebby frowns.

"Nothing, buddy." Pippa shushes, leading him into the living room to play with his toys. I look at her and you could clearly see she's pregnant. My heart shatters, thinking about what she had to go through without me.

I head to our bedroom and unpack my stuff, and Pippa walks in. She sits herself down on the bed.

"How have you been doing?" I coo, sitting down next to her and placing my arm around her shoukder.

"Amazing." She replies, sarcastically. "My husband totally didn't ditch me, leaving me with 2 kids, block me on everything for 4 months."

"Pippa...it was a misunderstanding." I reason.

"Mhm yeah." She quips, rolling her eyes.

I reach my hand over to her belly, and surprisingly, she allows me to touch her. I rub my thumb over her small bump, and leaning over to kiss it.

She shudders when my lips reach her belly. She runs her hand through my hair, and bites her lip. I turn, and look up, leaning in, and finally pressing my lips onto hers. She kisses back, passionately, and we kiss for a good 5 minutes.

She finally smiles after I pull back. The first smile I have seen from her for 4 whole months.

"I've missed you." She whispers.

"I've missed you too." I tell her.





I missed Lin so much, but honestly I was a bit disappointed in him. Sebby had to sleep next to me the past 4 months, and I had to gently rub his back until he slept. And then Maddie would cry a few times a night and it would wake Sebby up too. I was always exhausted and cried when the kids were asleep.

This went on every night and I was sleep deprived. If Lin took a minute to listen to me, then everything would be fine.

I rolled my eyes and continued to cook dinner. Maddie was still in the carrier I had on my body. I sang to her while I made dinner every night. 

Usually, I would start by making Maddie's food first, so that's what I did. Then after that, I would make Sebby and my dinner. But since Lin is here, I had to make enough for him too.

I made spaghetti and meatballs for dinner today. Nothing too fancy. I called my son and Lin out for dinner after I plated everything, then I went to get Maddie. 

"So...what are the plans for tomorrow?" Lin asked in between bites.

"Nothing really. Sebby's got preschool, and I've got to run a few errands." I tell him. 

There is still a bit of tension between us, but it's getting better. 

At night, once I Maddie was in bed, Sebby crawled up next to me, and basically I went on with my usual routine. Lin, was confused and asked why Sebby was sleeping in the same bed as me, and it took a while to explain. I was very frustrated after that.

After Sebby fell asleep, I saw Lin inch a bit closer to me, but I dont think he knew that I saw...

I really wished things would get better. I know things are hard, and sometimes it takes time for things to get better, but honestly I don't know if I can forgive him.

A/N: Sorry for the short chapter again...I'm doing camp so it takes a bit of time to do update, think of ideas, etc.

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