4 ~ Here Comes the Bride!

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Picture above is Pippa's wedding dress. Imagine it all white-
and Pippa wearing it.


It's finally March and today, me and Pippa are getting married. I've been anxious and jumpy since I got up this morning. We arrived at the venue at 10 AM and we have been getting ready ever since. 

I had Daveed, Jonathan, Leslie, Anthony, and other friends were there to help me get ready. I was antsy and very worried-
What if I messed up my vows? What if I tripped? What if Pippa decides she doesn't want to marry me? What if it rains? What if-

All of a sudden I feel a pair of gently hands squeeze my shoulders. "You'll be okay, son." Mr. Soo assures me.

"Thank you Mr. Soo." I thank him.

"Don't worry, I was just as nervous as you are when I got married." My dad came over and laughed.

I did an uncomfortable laugh, still worried about my thoughts. I wonder what Pippa is thinking...


I sat in my chair tensely as my bridesmaids helped do my hair and makeup. I bit my lip apprehensively thinking about what might happen later. 'It's going to be okay Pippa. Deep breaths...' I thought, calming myself down and taking deep breaths while closing my eyes.

"C'mon, it's going to go great!" Renee smiles, curling my hair. 

"Yeah, don't worry Pips! " Jazzy adds.

"It's going to go great." My mother soothes me.

I plaster on a smile and thank them, as I looked into the mirror, gasping. The girls did amazing. They put on a natural look and curled my hair nicely. 

Sebby was the ring bearer and Renee's daughter Brielle was flower girl. (I'm not sure how old she was then, but just pretend that she's the same age as Sebby)

It was a small and simple wedding with our family and friends. I was really excited but nervous.


I stood there impatiently, waiting for my beautiful girl to come out. And when she did, she took my breath away, and I could feel tears rolling down my face. How could anyone be this beautiful! She was smiling ear to ear and looked back at me. Her father walked her down the aisle and when she approached me, I saw her eyes light up even more. We did our vows and Jonathan read for us. We held hands as Jonathan pronounced beaming, "You may now kiss the bride."

Our lips met, locking instantly. She opened her mouth slightly, allowing my tongue to go exploring. After a bit, we let go and pulled back, both smiling with tears as everyone applauded.





We just left for our honeymoon and we unfortunately had to leave my son with Lin's parents. He cried about it but we promised to call him, and it would only be a week. Lin changed into a button up dress shirt and a pair of jeans, while I changed into a loose white blouse and tight jeans. 

The plane ride would be around 5 hours to Los Angeles. We would check out the Universal Studios and stay in a resort near there. Sounds a bit childish, but to Lin and I it sounds like the best honeymoon ever.

After nearly 6 hours, we got off the plane. It was not dark yet and both of us were still not tired. And after half an hour of driving, we arrived at our hotel. We are staying at a large famous hotel and we plopped down on the bed instantly. It was around 8PM.

"You tired, hon?" Lin asks.

"Kind of." I grunt in reply.

"Too tired to-" Lin smirks, but I cut him off.

"Hah of course not." I grin.

"Well let's do what couples do on their wedding night." Lin laughs, pulling me into a deep and passionate kiss.

Warning innocent peeps-
 There's going to be smut coming up ;)
Skip to the next chapter if you dont want to curse your eyes.




Lin pulled me onto the bed, our lips still locked together. He was laying on my body as his hands went exploring. Slowly he brought his hands near my chest and began unbuttoning my blouse, so I started unbuttoning his shirt. 

He pulls my blouse apart and pulls out of the kiss, staring into my eyes, before placing gently kisses on my chest. Lin whispers "I promise to make it good. I'll go slowly at first, but I'll go fast later. I promise you'll love it."

Soon our shirts and pants are off. I could feel Lin hardening as he fumbled with my bra clasp, but he manages to get it off. He works his hands on my breasts and I let out a quiet moan.

"You like that?" Lin smirks, but instead of answering in words, I moan in reply.

I was really wet and he slipped off my panties. I tugged on his boxers and pulled them off as his member spilled out and I stared. "Ready, Pips?" Lin asks, positioning himself. I nod in confirmation and spread my legs apart.

We both moan as Lin slowly slides in, but he silences both of us with a passionate strong kiss. It hurts for a bit but I felt pleasure. Lin keeps his member inside of me as he works at my breasts again. "K- keep going." I urge.

He releases my breasts and begins to thrust, harder and harder. "Y- yes Lin!" I moan.

I gasp as I felt my orgasm coming. My stomach clenched, so Lin went even faster, thrusting in and out. I moan again feeling the orgasm, as Lin allows his hands to make their way to my butt. He cups them in his hands and squeezes.

We are entanled with each other and Lin goes slowly. Slides in, holds for a bit, and pulls out. He pumps faster, but eventually slowed down after reaching his own orgasm. 

He ran his fingers through my long hair and sighed, "I love you Pippa."

"I love you too." I smiled, leaning my head against his neck. We cuddled for the rest of the night, happy to be with each other.




Through the rest of the week, we would explore different places. But at night, it was way different. We did it every night that week and it felt amazing. 

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