Chapter 24: Containment

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Ratchet's POV:

Darkplague is in recharge on the medical bay; her vitals are fine, she was just weakened when Scourge took over. My wounds were easy to fix; just a couple of cuts.  But for now there are two gashes across my chest. It will be fixed later, maybe when we're not facing our destruction.

"R...Ratchet?" Darkplague barely stirs,but she opens her optics.

"Are you alright?" Was my first question.

She nods. I turn back to the computer screen and continue working, when I notice she's staring at the gashes on my chest with worried optics.

"Darkplague it wasn't as bad as it looks I'm fine." I quickly say, but she sighs in pain.

"Ratchet...I'm so sorry... I- I couldn't control it and....."

"Dark, we know." Ultra Malachite rests a servo on her shoulder,  her tone reassuring.

"He was never meant to escape..." Darkplague whispers.

"We'll find a way to get him out of you." I say reassuringly, though I don't know how honest it sounds.

Emma's POV:

One more day.. one more day until the war.. I think. I'm not good at math. Maybe I can ask Ratchet later.

"Uh.. hey Em?" Crimson asks me.

"Yeah yeah hey. Is the war tomorrow, or.. the.. day after that?" I reply with a question of my own.

"Day after that, Airhead." She mutters. "Have.. you seen Wheeljack?"

"No. Why?"

"Because." That's all she said. Wow. Holy scrap I want an answer.

Ratchet looks up too, watching the red femme.

"Aww come on Crim." I say.

She glares at me. "Don't call me that."

"Why?" My tone is pressing, not intentional.

Crimson's optics cloud. "Uh.."

Ratchet is still listening, but his expression becomes sympathetic. I'm so confused..

She takes a deep breath. "My mother called me that."

Curiosity seemed to overwhelm my senses. "What happened?"

Now Ratchet is glaring at me like 'why the hell did you say that', while Crimson closes her optics.

"I'm going to tell you, so you don't nag me about it." She sighed. "My.. mother was beat to death by my father. He was.. abusive."

My heart sinks. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have pressed."

"It's fine."

Optimus strides over a few seconds later, looking at Crimson. "Care for training?"

"You got it Cap'n 'Merica." She teased with a kind smile.

Optimus's POV:

Crimson attempts to swing her leg around down low to trip me, but I jump up and away. She then jumped forward; her peds met my chest as she used me as a launching pad away, sending me back a little. Ow.

"Aww, you done yet, Hot Shot?" Crimson teases.

Hot Shot. Everence once called me that. I haven't a clue why it struck a chord now.

"No answer?" She stirs me from my thoughts; she was at my side and kneeling me in the stomach, gently but forcefully. Ow again. I slightly bend forward from the impact and she uses her elbow to hit my lower back, sending me forward, almost to the ground.

While Crimson is behind me, she leaps up, wrapping her arms around my shoulders and her legs around my waist, one servo holding a dagger, near my neck but far enough away.

I curse myself for being lost in thought during a battle.

"You okay?" She asks. "You honestly shoulda kicked my aft."

"Yes." I nod.

"You sure?" Crimson presses. "Distracted because of the war?"


"Is that all?"

I turn my helm a little to.. kind of look at her. "...yes."

"I can't help but notice you haven't attempted to hit me the whole half an hour we've been out here." She says. "You only blocked; no charging. Why?"

"To what do you refer?"

She laughs. "Don't play stupid. Your too smart. What's up?"


"Captian America.." She protests.

"That's not my name.."

"It should be!"

I sigh, and she hops down from my back. We stand for a few seconds in silence, before she walks in front of me.

"Uh.." Crimson blushes slightly. " same time tomorrow, you and me?"

I smile. "Of course."

^.^ Sorry for the slow updates! I'm working on two other stories that I'm incredibly attached to, and I've been especially busy writing Immortalia's Story, so.. yeah. sorry!

(If your getting bored waiting, please check out Immortalia's Story or Tfp Suffocating!)

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