Chapter 10: Don't Think Snare Cares

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Optimus's POV:

We arrive on a beach, Maui, Hawaii, sun shining bright, waves crashing against the beach gently. Bulkhead and Wheeljack hold Crimson, and Emma, Darkplague, Megatron, and Everence have joined us, to carry out the plan-- bargain with Snare, surrender for his daughter.

"Crimson?!" A grey femme growls, approaching with three mechs behind her. "Fool! How did you get captured?!"

Crimson stays quiet, staring at the ground with pained and frustrated optics.

"We wish to meet with Snare." I say coolly, watching her glare at Crimson.

"Ha!" She laughs. "Not a chance!"

One of the mechs steps forward. "Veintra, if the enemy wishes to meet with our leader..."

The grey femme, Veintra, growls, before turning away and saying something over the com link.

For minutes, we wait in silence, the Risen warriors have backed off, seeming to ignore Crimson, who's still held tight by the wreckers, her helm hung low.

"Optimus Prime, we meet again." Snare. The sly and ferocious voice chills me as I remember the day he extinguished Overdrive's spark. "Not that I care, but have you recovered from that femme's death? Overdrive, was it?"

In response, I bare my denta underneath my mask, feeling anger burn my spark.

The mech jumps down from atop a rock, landing with a thud on his peds.

"Joke's over Snare." Everence growls. "Hand over the activation devices and leave Earth alone, and Crimson will return safely to you."

Snare laughs, a bitter, cold laugh. "Ha! Do you really think I care?" What? Why wouldn't he?

An awkward silence pierces the air, confusion tugging at my spark.

"She's a disappointment. A failure. I asked for a son and got a daughter." Snare explains, his voice taunting. Crimson sighs, her optics still on the ground, biting her bottom lip. Poor child. I find myself thinking. She's young, inexperienced, but most definitely has room to learn and has skill, with the right mentoring, she can be a great warrior. If she can also learn to stay silent at times.

"Well, I'd sit around and do nothing, but I'd much rather dent some con and bot metal." Snare hisses, and gestures to something. At his command, maybe about thirty Risen Warriors leap out and charge.

Great. I hear Darkplague transform into serpent form, letting out what seems to be a mix of a screech and a hiss.

A white mech charges me, holding a long sword that's glowing; I've seen that type of weapon in the past. The sword heats up to the temperature of fire, when simply touched by the blade it will burn the victim. I know that from experience.

The mech slashes at me, which I easily dogde and slice his chest with my own blade, leaving a deep, scarring cut. He lets out a cry of pain before lashing out again, connecting with my shoulder. The cut burns and stings at the same time; I suppress a yelp, and kick him back. Before he recovers, Emma leaps in, snaps her jaws on his shoulders, and crushes his chest, energon splattering all over her muzzle.

I nod my thanks to her, and turn to look for Snare. Shock pours into my processor as I see he has gotten Crimson away from Bulkhead and Wheeljack, and is holding his cannon to her, ready to shoot.

Reluctance pulls at me, but I charge anyway, knocking him away before he can shoot her, but his miss fire shoots off towards the sky.

"Fool!" He gasps, jumping back to his peds.

"Oh look, it's Captain America." Crimson is on her knees, rolling her optics with a huff. "My hero."

I ready my blades and narrow my optics, glaring at Snare with hatred.

"So you want to do this old school, huh." The mech growls, readying his own blades. "I'm all for it, tough guy."

He lunges at me, swiping out, which I narrowly dodge and lash out at him; he barely jumps away in time. Taking a step back, and bracing myself, I wait, for him to strike again, but he just stands there, a dark smile coming to his faceplate.

"This will not be the day I extinguish your sorry spark, but this is the day I extinguish hers." He snarls, I expect him to shoot Crimson, but he shoves me out of the way and shoots his cannon.

My spark sinks in horror as I watch it strike Everence.


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