Tony DiNozzo - Brave

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A/N: this was a request I hope you enjoy!

How it all came down to this you had no idea, standing near the edge of a building trying to talk down a young sailor.

"I.. i don't want to go away!" He cried out.

You took a deep breath, looking down, you gasped and quickly averted your gaze, training them back into the sailor.

"What's going on up there (L/N)?" DiNozzo asked.

"I'm still... still trying to talk him down..." you whispered.

"You'll have to get closer." Gibbs said.

You took a shaky breath and closed your eyes for a second before opening them.

"I.. I don't think I can..."

"Why not?" Gibbs snapped back.

You stayed quiet, too embarrassed of what to say.

"(Y/N), it's just us. Are you afraid of heights?" DiNozzo asked softly.


There as a soft chuckle and you frowned a little.

"Listen to me, there's nothing to be afraid off. I'm going to be here all the way, all you have to do is go up there, brings privet Callo back to the roof. You're a great woman, you can calm anyone down. It's why we sent you up there, I know you can do this. If you ever get scared just picture me giving you a hug, how about that?"

Of course he would suggest that, you knew he had a thing for you.

"You're an ass..." you grumbled.

Taking a small step onto the ledge, you trained your eyes solely on the man in front of you.

"Jacob, can you look at me?"

The sailor slowly turned to face you, tears streaming down his face.

"I believe you, I believe you didn't kill your friend."

"N.. no.. you don't!"

"I do, if I didn't I wouldn't be standing here right now. I do believe in you, I know you're telling the truth."

He started crying even more.

Not knowing what to do, you took another few steps closer and froze.

Closing your eyes, you thought of anything but it didn't work. So, as a last resort you pictured Tony wrapping his arms around you, resting his chin on your head. Slowly your body started to relax.

"Jacob, please trust me. I know it's hard, but I know you didn't do it. You're a good man, you're sweet, and you're in tears on top of this roof because you're scared. You're going to jump just to prove you're innocent, if that's not an innocent man, I don't know what is."

He looked at you and wiped his eyes.

"Y.. you believe me...?"

"Of course I do." You smiled softly.

Reaching out your hand slowly, you smiled warmly at the distraught man. He froze for a few seconds before gently placing his hand in yours.

"Come on, lets get down."

He nodded weakly, and carefully followed you off the roof.

Once he was down, you rubbed his back lightly and sighed softly.

"I'm proud of you."

He sniffled and nodded, the pair of you heading out of the building. He agreed to go to the hospital while you sat on the curb, head in your hands.

You weren't paying attention, until an arm wrapped around your shoulder making your jump.

"DiNozzo..." you whispered.

"You did amazing." He muttered, "I'm proud of you..."

"Thinking if you hugging me.. may have helped..."

DiNozzo chuckled and pulled you into his side, letting you rest your body against his.



"Thank you."

DiNozzo kissed the top of your head and pulled you a little closer into him.

"You're a brave woman (Y/N), don't thank me."

Laughing softly, you sighed in content and closed your eyes. Everything seemed so much better in this moment, you could take the fact away that you just faced your worst fear

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