James wilson (House MD) - Feelings on christmas eve

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Walking down the quiet halls, you weren't expecting to see many people around besides those that had to work.

Carrying some papers, you headed to Wilson's office. Grabbing the handle, you pushed the door open, nearly jumping in shock when you saw him pulling his coat on.

"Wilson! Sorry, I thought you'd gone home, wasn't expecting to see you here." You laughed.

"I could say the same for you. Isn't it your week off?"

"Yeah, but you know Christmas Eve, someone needed a cover and I had nothing planned. I was just handing people their lab results before heading out."

Placing the papers on his desk, you smiled warmly at him.

"Well, I'll catch you around. Merry Christmas!"

Heading to the door, you were stopped by Wilson calling out.

"Wait! How long until your shift is over?" He asked.

"I'm finished now actually."

"Well, Uhm.. I was just wondering if you'd like to go out somewhere... you know with it being the 24th and such.."

You laughed at his awkwardness and pulled the door open.

"Sure, sure. Meet me downstairs."

With that, you finally left and 10 minutes later you were walking to the main entrance, finding Wilson stood there awkwardly by the door.

"Where'd you wanna go?" You asked.

"Uhm.. I'm not sure." He laughed nervously.

You hummed, walking out into the cold, feeling some snow land in your hair.

"I was going to have a small walk around before heading home, you can come if you'd like?"


With that, the pair of you went in your way, talking about work and things you usually did during the holidays.

While you kept your gaze in front of you, you didn't notice that Wilson would occasionally flick his gaze to you, admiring how the colorful lights lit up your eyes, the snow in your hair, and everything in general about you.

"Are you spending Christmas with anyone?" He asked you.

"No, I have no one to spend it with. What about you? I don't usually see you around this time."

"I just found myself with some free time I guess..." Wilson mumbled.

You stopped walking, stopping to look up at him. Wilson stopped too, turning around to face you with confusion in his eyes.

"Well, you can spend it with me if you'd like?"

Wilson's eyes widened and he glanced around shyly before turning his eyes back to you.

"Are... are you sure...?"

You nodded your head with a smile, skipping up to him so you were nearly toe to toe with him.

"Yeah, it would suck to spend it alone. Let's go before it gets too late."

Linking your arm with his, you started to lead him towards yours, unaware of the blush in his face.

It wasn't far to yours, once you got in you headed straight to the kitchen to make some coffee, directing Wilson to a room he could change after giving him some spare clothes.

"Hey (Y/N)?" Wilson called.

Walking into the living room with the two cups, you placed them on the table and looked over to the hallway door, finding Wilson stood there.

"What's up?"

"C... can you come here please...?" He muttered.

Raising a brow, you padded over and stood in front of him to find his arm reaching up. Following it with your eyes, you found him holding mistletoe and laughed to yourself.

"Alright, who gave you this idea?"

"Chase and foreman." He smiled nervously.

You laughed and reached up, pulling the mistletoe from his fingers.

"You don't need this if you want a kiss from me idiot."

Dropping the mistletoe you reached around the back of his head and slowly pulled him down, gingerly pressing your lips to his.

Wilson didn't respond for a few seconds but his hands came up to hold your waste to kiss you back, pulling your closer into him a smile forming on his face.

You were the one to pull away, pressing your forehead to his.

"I really like you Wilson." You breathed out.

"I love you." He whispered back

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