Lucifer morningstar - the devil isnt who he seems

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Wondering about LA, you tried to clear your head but nothing you tried was working.

Everything was so confusing, overwhelming, just piling on top of each other.

Without thinking your feet took you to Lux, but once you realised where you were you promptly begun to leave again.

"(Y/N)...?" A quiet voice asked.

You froze in your spot, your eyes focused on the sidewalk in front of you as a tall figure slowly walked around you.

"It's.. it's been awhile.." lucifer muttered.

You stayed quiet, you didn't say anything. You stood there before slowly lifting your head to connect eyes with him.

For the first time since you've known him, he seemed scared, valuable. His brown eyes were so soft, pleading and hopeful.

"Lucifer.. I..."

Shaking your head, you threw your arms around him. Burying your face into his chest, hands balling into the fabric of his blazer.

"Well, if this isn't a pleasant surprise." He chuckled weakly.

Lucifer wrapped his arms around you, resting his chin on your head as he left out a soft sigh.

"I thought I'd never see you again.. after.. after what happened..."

"I'll admit.. I was scared... you're.. you're the real devil... but.. I know you'd never hurt me."

Lucifer pulled away, placing his hands gently on your cheeks he made you look at him, and gave you the softest smile you had ever seen.

"I could never hurt you darling. Not in a million years."

Leaning into one of his hands, you moved your hands from his blazer bringing one up to cover his hand and the other to gently rest on the side of his face.

"I trust you Luce, with my life."

"I wouldn't have it any other way."

Moving your hand to the back of his neck, pulling him down you kissed him gently before letting go.

Lucifer pulled you into him once more, pressing his lips to the top of your head, then buried his face in the crook of your neck.

Truth be told, when you saw lucifers face you were more shocked than scared, but in the heat of the moment you ran off and disappeared for a month before you returned to LA.

You stopped by Lux multiple times, but you always left before he saw you.

"Can I ask you something?" Lucifer mumbled.


He pulled away again, looking at you seriously, taking your hands in his own.

"Do I scare you (Y/N)? Be honest with me."

Taking a deep breath, you let it out before replying.

"Honestly, I was more shocked. In the heat of the moment I ran, then fear hit me, but I've known you for years Luce, and you've always protected me, kept me save. Yeah, we've had our fights, but you never hurt me. And if I needed you, you were there in a second, you would drop everything to come to me. That's when I realised I wasn't scared of you, I was just in shock."

Lucifer grinned at you, giving you that sly look he always did.

"So, you're done trying to put run the devil?"

You laughed softly and shook your head, lightly punching him in the chest.

"Yes idiot, I'm done running."

"Great, lets get some lunch then. And we can talk about what you did on your little trip and how much you missed me."

Lacing your figures with his, the pair of you walked down the street.

"Tone down that ego Lucifer, you didn't even cross my mind once. And you're paying."

"Your words truly hurt dear."

The pair of your shared a look before bursting out into a fit of laughter. Lucifer went back to watching the street ahead while you gazed at him for a little bit longer.

Sure, he was the devil. Yes, you saw his real face, but nothing would change the fact that he would always be there for you, and if that's who the devil really was, then that was okay by you

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