Mycroft - Nervously in love

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Sitting at the small cafe, you held the steaming cup of coffee in your hands, a small smile on your face as you gazed out the window.

It was only 3pm but the sun was already starting to set, and you could slightly feel the cold seeping through the window.

"It's a bit cold isn't it." A voice spoke.

You turnt your head around, tilting it up to gaze at the owner of the voice.

"It's not so bad."

Mycroft hummed and gestured to the chair in front of you.

"May I?"

"Sure thing Mycroft."

He smiled a little and sat down, ordering himself a drink as he glanced out of the window.

You sat there in silence for a little, you didn't really know what to say. You liked him, but you never really talked to him much. You didn't know how to talk to him, he was harder to speak with compared to Sherlock.

"What brings you by?" You asked quietly.

Sipping your drink, you nervously glanced down at the table.

"Well, I just happened to be walking past and noticed you. I thought I would come say hello."

"Oh... alright."

"May I ask what you are doing here (Y/N)? I don't often see you around this area."

You laughed a little, scratching the back of your neck.

"Well, it's not near the flat, but it is my favourite cafe. I've been visiting it for a few years now."

"I see, it is a very homely place, is it not?"

"It really is, it's so relaxing I love it!"

You beamed brightly and sipped on your coffee, turning your attention back to the outside world.

You downed the last of your drink, and placed some money in the table.

"Well, I'm gonna head off. Nice seeing you."

With that, you started to make your way to the door, stepping outside. The cold air hit you like a blow to the face and you quickly pulled your jacket around you even tighter. As you breathed your air turnt into mist.

"So cold..." You whispered.

You started to make your way down the streets, that's when you noticed a familiar man fall in step with you and you smiled a little.

"What're you doing?" You asked softly.

"I'm walking with you, it'll be dark soon."

"I'm a grown woman Mycroft I can walk myself around."

"I'd rather take no risks." He replied.

You laughed and rolled your eyes, shrugging your shoulders a little. You stuffed your hands into your pockets.

The pair of you just simply wondered around aimlessly.

As the sunlight fades from the sky, and the stars started to come out you smiled warmly as you glanced up at the sky.

You stopped walking and just stood there, head tilted backwards.

"What are you doing?" Mycroft asked.


You went to carry on walking but quickly stopped when you nearly crashed into Mycroft. Looking up at him, you clasped your hands behind your back.

"What're you doing?"

"Nothing." He chuckled.

Laughing, you shook your head a little and went to walk around him, only to have Mycroft step in front of you again making you stop.

"Mycroft!" You whined.

Mycroft smiled and shrugged his coat off, he wrapped it around your shoulders and waiting for you to put your arms through the sleeves. Once you did, he started to button it up and you tilted your head away to hide the embarrassment on your face.

Once he was done, he stepped out of your way but you stayed there for a minute before turning to him.

"What was that for...?" You asked nervously.

"You were shivering. I don't want you to get ill."

Stepping closer, you stood on your tiptoes and pressed your lips to his cheek quickly before stepping away staring at the floor.

"Thank you..."

Mycroft placed his finger under your chin and lifted your head up, he leant in a pressed his lips to yours in a quick kiss and pulled away.

"It's not a problem dear, now let's get you home before you freeze."

Lacing your arm with Mycrofts, you hummed lightly and started to walk, trying to push down all the embarrassment you could feel rising within you

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