Carlisle cullen - Drunk rambleling

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A/N: this is from my tumblr

You'd had to much to drink.

Way, way to much to drink.

How you were still standing was beyond Carlisle, but he didn't need heightened sense to smell the alcohol on you as he cane to the bar to pick you up.

"Alright love, lets get you home." He chuckled.

"No! Y... you can't take me home..." you slurred.

Carlisle furrowed his brows and sat in the stool next to you.

"Why's that?"

"I... I... have a boyfriend..." you mumbled, "and.. I.. love him.."

Carlisle laughed, but his heart swelled with love at your words.

"Is that right?"

You hummed and nodded your head.

"How about I get you a taxi home then?"

You seemed to think about this before nodding again. Carlisle helped you up and slowly led you out of the bar.

"I... I would never cheat on Carlisle... he.. he's amazing..."

Carlisle glanced down at you and smiled lovingly.

"He's the best.. the best guy in the world... I love him..."

Then you started to cry. In a panic Carlisle hugged you to try calm you down.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"I... I love Carlisle.. so.. so much... and... and.. I want to see him... he's so handsome... and kind... and I love him!"

Carlisle tried not to laugh at you, as funny as it was, it was adorable.

He soothed you and slowly your cries quietened. While waiting for the taxi, Carlisle listened to you mumble about him and how much you loved him.

Once the taxi, or rather, Alice, came. Carlisle out you in the car and ran back home to greet you.

It didn't take long for you two to get back, when Alice pulled up you were already fast asleep.

"She really loves you." Alice cooed.

"I know." Carlisle whispered pulling you into his arms

Taking you upstairs, he laid you on the bed and climbed in next to you. He wasn't going to let you live this down

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