George O'Mally - Change of heart

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A/N: this was a request, I hope you enjoy! Sorry it's so bad aha..

You were stood by the bar, it was quiet today so you were taking a small break.

"Tough day?" James teased.

Rolling your eyes, you sipped the glass of water next to you.

"You have no idea buddy, been at work all day."

"Oh I can imagine. It's a touch life."

Both of you started laughing, you finished your drink and looked around. A family had just come in so you headed over to them.

"Hey, I'm (Y/N), I'll be your waitress for the night, would you guys like a drink?" You asked.

As they placed your order you noticed a pair of blue eyes looking at you, so you grinned a little at him and placed a hand on your hip.

"Is there something on my face? I thought I washed it!"

The man quickly looked away while his family laughed.

"Sorry!" He blushed.

"I'm teasing, what would you like blue eyes?"

"Uhm... just a coke please."

"Ah, the hard stuff. I like it." You winked.

Again he blushed and his family laughed as you walked away. You handed the order to James who got everything ready for you.

You carried it over, handing out the drinks you saved the coke for last and set it in front of the blue eyes man.

"And a coke for the hard man."

He chuckled this time, giving you a small grin.

"Someone has to stay sober."

"Responsible, I can dig that."

You both laughed and you gave a small wave as you left them to decide what they wanted to eat.

You hummed, dancing by the bar a little to the music while you waited.

"Excuse me! (Y/N)!"

You turned to the table and padded over.

"Everything alright?"

"We're ready to order." An older man said.

You wrote their orders down and left, this time you headed into the kitchen. When you left, the blue eyes stranger was sat at the bar talking lightly with James.

"Well mystery man is back."

James laughed, rolling his eyes at you as you stepped behind the bar.

"So, tell me blue eyes, what do you do?"

"You can call me George, I'm currently studying at med school."

"Oh same!"

With that, you both begun to talk about your studies and such until their food was ready.

He went back and you carried it all over, leaving them in peace as you started to do some other tasks.

An hour passed, they paid for their food but as you went to say bye to George you found he was already gone.

You felt a bit sad but shook it off, you probably wouldn't see him again anyways.

Four years later and you had finally started working in Seattle Grace. You were humming lightly as you made your way around the Paediatrics Ward, filling in your chart.

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