Timothy McGee - Forever

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A/N: this was a request, I hope you enjoy!

When you woke up, Tim was gone, but there was a note on the bedside table. With a yawn, you grabbed it and read it over.

'Sorry darling, I had to go to work'

With a small laugh, you shook your head. He was always apologising for working, but his job was important and you understood that.

Getting up, you got ready for the day and grabbed your phone, scrolling through your contacts, you found the number you wanted and sent a quick text.

You: are you working?

Ziva: no, I have the day off, along with Tony.

You: cool! Wanna grab some coffee or something?

You set your phone down as you started to pull your shoes on, you got two new messages.

Pulling your other shoe on, you grabbed your phone and grinned.

Tony: Ziva says you wanna get coffee, how about a movie and some shopping too?

Ziva: I've let Tony know if that's okay?

Creating a group chat with them both you quickly replied.

You: it's okay Ziva! I wanna get coffee, and see a movie then Tony has to take us shopping :)

Tony: that's not fair!

Ziva: I think it's a great idea, we'll be at yours soon

Grinning from ear to ear, you excitedly jumped up, running off to grab a coat before texting Tim.

You: I'm going out with Tony and Ziva! We're off for coffee, to watch a film and then Ziva and I are making Tony take us shopping! Have a good day sweetheart, I love you!

There was a loud honk, and you stuffed your phone into your pocket. Grabbing your keys you ran out the door and into the back on the car.


"Hello." Ziva laughed, "You're happy today."

"I get to spend Tony's money, of course I am." You snickered.

"You're so mean." Tony whined.

You snickered and you all set off, first was coffee, then you dragged them both to watching a horror film with you, now you were shopping.

"How about a dress?" Ziva asked.

"Ohhhh, I like that. Tony we're going to the dress store!"

"How fun. Let's go." He smirked.

Ziva slapped his shoulder making him scowl, but the grin quickly returned as he trailed behind you both.

You browsed the dresses with Ziva while Tony disappeared, though he shortly returned.

"Here (N/N), I think you'd like this one."

Turning around, you looked at the beautiful silver dress. You gasped lightly, gently taking it from him.

"Woah, it's beautiful T..."

"Go try it on." He said, pushing you towards the changing rooms.

You quickly changed and admired yourself in the mirror. It was a stunning dress and it looked perfect.

Slowly, you stepped outside to find Ziva and Tony stood there, smiles on their faces.

"You look beautiful." Ziva said, walking over and hugging you.

You hugged her back before turning to Tony, clasping your hands behind your back.

"This is perfect. Thank you Tony." Walking over, you hugged him before heading back to get changed and pay for the dress.

"One more stop." Tony said.

"Oh, where?"

"It's a secret, but you gotta go put that dress on."

Narrowing your eyes in suspicion, you didn't question it. You simply ran up to your apartment when you got there, changed, and went backstairs.

No matter how many questions you asked they never gave you a straight answer. Your confusion grew even more when when they'll pulled into the parking lot of a small park.

"Alright, I'm going to put this on you."

Ziva walked around and blindfolded you, then her and Tony wrapped their arms around you and started to lead you somewhere.

"Come on guys... tell me where we're going!" You complained.

"Not yet~" Tony mused.

You huffed but carried on walking, you tried to listen to around you, but you couldn't. It was dead silent, the only sound being made was your footsteps until you came to a stop.

You were let go, and you brought your hands up to remove the blindfold.

Pulling it off, you let it fall to the floor as you stared in awe. In front of you was a large tree, lights wrapped around it, and a large table set up with food and drinks. Everyone was there, including Tim who looked really nervous.

"This is beautiful..." you breathed.

"I'm.. in glad you like it.."

You walked over to your loving boyfriend and wrapped your arms around his neck, burying your face into his chest as you held him tightly before pulling away.

"But..  I don't get it, what's this all about?"

Tim blushes slightly and scratched the back of his neck, glancing back at everyone who nodded their heads.

"Well.. there's something I want to ask you... I love you, a lot. You're more than anything I could ever ask for, you're patient, caring, loving, understanding and so much more. Words can't describe how I feel about you..."

You watched as he got to one knee, and pulled a box from his pocket. Your hands flew to cover your mouth as tears started to look in them.

"(Y/N), will you marry me?"

You were in stunned silence before you slowly nodded your head.

"Yes... yes of course!"

Tim stood up, putting the ring on his finger he pulled you in for a kiss and everyone cheered and clapped.

"Finally!" Abby cheered.

You pulled away and laughed slightly, smiling at them all.

"It's about time." Gibbs chuckled.

"We've been putting this together for a while." Ducky smiled.

You grinned at them all, leaning into Tim's side. Watching happily as they all celebrated, and your heart swelled everything was just perfect

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