Patrick Jane - Late

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Everyone had bad days, some people refused to leave their homes, others refused to talk ton anyone, and some, like you, threw themselves into their work. You found it easier, it drowned everything else out of your mind, meaning you didn't have to face it at that point in time, which way better than actually having to face it.

Sitting at your desk, you glanced at the clock, it was late, so beside the odd few night shift workers, you didn't really have to worry about any disturbing you. Or so you hoped, your wanted silence didn't last long.

"It's late."

You tensed at the voice, but ignored him.

"Why're you here (Y/N)?" Patrick asked.

Again, you didn't reply. He didn't seem in the mood for giving up because he pulled a chair up next to you and sat down, carefully reaching out, his hand gently covering yours to stop you from working. This made you turn your attention to him, advisable from in your face as you pulled your hand away, setting the pen down.

"I'm busy." Came your short reply.

You went back to working, Patrick sighed silently and shook his head, leaning forward on his chair and clasping his hands together over the desk.

"What's wrong?"


"I know somethings bothering you, your hand is shaking slightly, and you only work late when you're having a bad day. Somethings wrong."

You stopped writing and looked at your hand, he was right, it was shaking, though only slightly. But that still didn't mean you were going to speak to him, so you went back to ignoring him. You had hoped he would get the hint, but he clearly didn't understand because he placed his hand over yours once more.

"Talk to me." He pressed softly.

"Bite me." You growled.

Patrick was taken aback by your outbrust and raised his hands, standing up from his chair with a sad look on his face. It made you feel slightly guilty for snapping, but you said nothing.

"Okay, you don't want to talk. But if you do you know where to find me."

With that, he left. You thought you would've been happy for the peace, but as you sat there, staring at your bit of paper you couldn't help the guilt that was consuming you. As every second went by you felt worse and worse for snapping at Patrick, and eventually you stood.

You knew where to find him, he was sat on his couch reading a book. Wordlessly, you walked over and sat on the floor in front of the couch.

You felt Patrick move, and he slid onto the flood next to you, still reading, letting you place your head on his shoulder.

"Sorry for that..." you mumbled.

"It's alright, do you want to talk, it may help."

You shook your head.

"Okay, that's okay too."

Shuffling around, you laid on the floor, resting your head in his lap and closed your eyes, humming at the feeling of Patrick running his fingers through your hair. Soon enough ou started to drift to sleep, and what should've been a restless night turnt into one where you actually managed to fall asleep.

You weren't sure what woke you up, but the smell of coffee and chuckling slightly caught your attention. You went to move but felt a pair of arms around your waist, furrowing your brows, you opened your eyes only to come face to face with Patrick who was still sound asleep, a blanket over you and a pillow beneath your head.

"Morning sleeping beauty." Rigsby laughed.

You groaned and rolled over, though you made no attempt to get up.

"We found you guys asleep on the floor." Cho explained.

You nodded, and flicked your eyes to Grace who was holding a cup of coffee and Lisbon who looked just as amassed as the others, if not more.

"Late night?"

"Yea..." you yawned.

She laughed and set a cup in front of you, and ou gave her a warm smile. As much as you wanted the cup, you didn't want to disturb the sleeping man next to you, so you simply wiggled further under the blanket and closed your eyes again making everyone laugh even more

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