Spencer reid - being there

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A/N: this was a request, I hope you enjoy!

You were still in the office, it was late and as far as you knew everyone had gone home.

You decided to stay, thinking it would help you catch up with some paperwork you had to do, but when you saw the flashing the sky way off in the distance you were frozen.

Watching and listening as the storm slowly came closer until it was right above it. The claps of thunder deafening, the flashes of lightening blinding.

You were stuck.


You slowly sank to the ground from where you stood, crawling underneath the closet desk as you wrapped your arms around your head. Tears pooled in your eyes as you breathing slowly started to pick up.

You couldn't stop it, you were hyper ventilating, you couldn't get your breathing under control.

While you were admist your panic, you never noticed someone getting closer, not even when they kicked you.

Reid jumped back when he felt his feet come into contact with a body, and instantly went for his gun, only to freeze when he saw who it was.

"(Y/N)?" He asked softly.

He set his weapon aside and knelt down, carefully looking over you.

"Hey, what's wrong?"

Spencer knew what was going on, you were having a panic attack. So, he refrained from touching you but sat close by.

"I know you can hear me, can you try copying my breathing?"

He started taking deep breaths and letting the out, but you weren't responding to him.

He had to think quickly, thinking through everything he knew, he decided to try something on you that you had done to him while he was having a panic attack once.

"I have bagels today, from that place you told me about. They were pretty good, I never knew a shop could have so many choices, it was hard to choose. I had just a plan bagel, but what do you think I should try next time?"

The thunder slowly became less deafening as you tuned into his words, and your breathing was slowly starting to ease out.

"I remember you said that the melted cheese one was really good with iced coffee, and the toasted ham salad bagel was better with orange juice."

You kept your head down, but slowly I wrapped yourself. Something Spencer picked up on immediately.

He slowly and cautiously opened his arms, waiting for our reaction.

You waited a moment before shuffling over, tucking your head underneath his chin, letting him wrap you in his arms.

"What's going on?" He asked quietly.

"I... storms... I.. I don't.." you couldn't speak.

Spencer nodded his head and placed his hand over your ear, blocking out the noise as much as he could. You could feel the rise and fall of his chest, and hear the thumping of his heart instead.

"I... I had a dog when I was kid... and.. one night.. he went out... we couldn't find him till morning... he was.. he was.. hit.. by... lightening..."

Spencer held you a little tighter.

"I'm sorry..."

You didn't reply and neither did he, both of you simply just sat there. He knew that right now you didn't need statistics or words you just needed him to sit there with you and hold you until the storm passed over

Character (Various) x reader Where stories live. Discover now