Castiel (Supernatural) - Heart in the woods

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Though Castiel was an angel, he never suspected anything about you. No one did, not even the boys.

They never thought twice when you disappeared for a few nights a month, but Castiel was starting to have his suspicions.

"I'm heading to town!" You called.

"Alright! Take the shopping list!" Sam yelled back.

"And pie!" Dean called.

You laughed and grabbed the list from the side, pulling a pen from the draw and scribbling pie on there for dean.

Stuffing the list in your pocket, you grabbed your car keys and headed into the hall hoping to avoid anyone.

Luck however, wasn't on your side. Just as you approach the door, Castiel blocked your path, titling his head a little.

"Where are you going?" He asked.

"Just to town like normal Cas." You smiled nervously.

Castiel nodded his head, eyes darting towards the door then back to the door.

"May I come?"

Your heart picked up a little, and you hoped that he didn't hear it.

"It'll be boring."

"That's okay."

You chewed your lip, you didn't know how else to discourage him from coming along. You couldn't outright refuse him, you had been doing for the past few months and you knew he was starting to get curious and possibly even suspicious.


Picking up a bag, you tossed it to Castiel and headed to your truck, opening the driver side while you're waited for him to get in.

"I've got a motel pre booked, we'll go there first."

"Okay. May I ask a question?"

"Sure thing Cas."

"Why do you come to town every month?"

You froze before answering.

"I just like to get away."

Castiel glanced at you, but quickly turnt away.

It only took a few hours before you got to town, and you made quick work of getting into your room and collapsing on the bed.

You were tired and restless all at the same time, it was part of the curse you had to bare and you hated it.

The full moon was tomorrow, and you knew you had to try dodge the angel tagging along with you.


"Yes Cas?"

"Do you not like me?"

Your head shot up, for the first time you could hear pain in his voice. Sitting up in the bed, you sighed softly and shook your head.

"Of course I don't."

"I feel as if you do not want me here."

You chewed your lip, glancing down at the bed sheets before turning back to the angel sitting at the table.

"I just... I'm not used to people tagging along with me is all."

"Alright." He smiled gently.

You fell asleep soon enough, and the following passed too quick. Now you found yourself watching he sunset, eyeing up the road. It would only be a thirty minute walk to the forest.

"Cas, I have some things to do. Mind staying here, I'll return in the morning."

You didn't wait for his reply, you slipped out. Leaving your phone on the side along with your jacket.

Quickly jogging out of the parking lot, you slowly padded down the road. You enjoyed the feeling of the cool air hitting your skin, your sensitive ears picking up on all sorts of sounds, birds singing, people talking in the distance, a river not far off.

Seeing the tree line of the forest, you walk over. Once you entered, you begun a light jog before sprinting into the trees, darting and dodging anything in your way.

As a tree spun came up, you ran, jumping up on it, you used it to push yourself through the air, silver light surrounding your body. It slowly faded and all four of your paws slamming into the ground, carrying you easily as you ran, slowing down to a walk.

Yellow eyes gazed up through the trees, you curled up under a tree and just laid there in peace.

Though, your peace didn't last long when a familiar scent hit your nose.

Snapping your eyes open, you stared into bright blue eyes not far from you.

"This is why you wanted to be alone, isn't it?"

You whined, slowly standing up, tucking your tail between your legs.

"You're not a werewolf, yet, your not human. I'm not quite sure what you are."

Slowly backing away once more, you stared at the angel. You didn't know what he would do.

"You're scared of me..." he whispered, "please don't be..."

You perked up a little, bit didn't drop your guard.

Castiel sat down, titling his head at you, so you copied him making him laugh. At the sound of his laughter you wagged your tail a little.

"Your fur is very beautiful, just like you."

You whined but a happy one this time.

"I'd like to confess something to you, I think t would be easier in this form. I... feel funny around you, Sam and Dean say it's love. You make me feel warm, happy, Calm. It's odd."

You slowly stood up, walking closer to him. Once you were close enough, you flopped yourself down on him, closing your eyes, the feel of fingers running through your fur.

Sunlight hitting your face made you sit up, you were sat in front of Castiel facing him.

Smiling softly, you leant in, pressing a soft kiss to his lips.

"I love you too Cas... and please don't tell the boys."

"I won't."

Grinning, you stood up and pulled him up with you, lacing your fingers with his you tugged him gently.

"Let's go for a walk."

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