Derek shepherd - For a second time

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A/N: I know absolutely nothing about weddings aha, also this was a request!

You never thought you'd be doing this again, standing in front of everyone, your hands in in Derek's, a soft smile on your face while he wore a huge one on his face, his blue eyes twinkling with happiness.

He hadn't changed since you first met him, besides the odd grey hairs dotting his black hair.

You were new to the hospital, you didn't know where anything was and you were rushing around with files in your hands.

While rushing around trying to do everything,you weren't paying attention so ended up tripping over something.

Throwing your file to the floor, closed your eyes, and you braced yourself to hit the hard surface when a pair of arms wrapped around you.

Peaking an eye open, you found yourself looking back at at you was a pair of intense blue ones.

"Are you alright?" The man asked softly.

He helped you up and collected all your files for you.

"Uhm.. yeah I'm good thanks to you."

The man chuckled and handed over your files.

"Thank you sir."

"Please, my names Derek Shepherd."

"(Y/N) (L/N)."

With that, you thanked him once more.

That was the first time you met him, you didn't think Derek would mean this much to you as he did.

You didn't think you would be the one to marry this man, let alone renewing your vows with him after 10 years of marriage.

While Derek was reading his vows, you glanced around, your eyes meeting the bright blue ones of your twins sat in the front with huge grins on their faces.

Turning back to Derek you smiled intently as you watched him.

"Are you sure this is a good idea, work relationships never end well." You sighed.

Derek raises his hand and placed it on your cheek, leaning in slightly, brushing his nose against yours.

"If you always hesitate, you'll never get to live life to the fullest."

You thought for a moment and nodded your head, leaning yourself in to kiss him lightly before pulling away.

"Alright, but we have to take it slow."

Blinking, you listening to Derek recite his vows, and both of you waited anxiously.

"You May now kiss the bride." The priest announced.

Grinning, you meant in early to kiss Derek while every cheered around you.

A pair of little arms wrapped around making you pull away and laugh, picking up the boy, you pressed a kiss to his cheek, glancing over at Derek who held the other one.

"I love you." You mouthed.

"I love you too." He whispered.

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