Time Flys By Fast

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One Mistake: An Ezria Fanfiction

Chapter 61:
Lessons go by fast and soon it is already 2:30pm, then end of school. Spencer, Hanna, Emily and I, all meet up by my locker, before walking to the brew. The walk isn't that bad but I feel really exhausted from it. We walk in and find a table to sit at. Emily then goes and gets us all drinks, making sure that mine is decaf because although I can have some caffeine whilst I'm pregnant, I don't want to risk it at all. We get out our books and start on our homework whilst talking about our plans for the weekend and random stuff. Time flys by and by 4 o'clock, we are all finished. Once we have got all of our stuff together, we decide to leave and head to my house to find Kara and Sebastian.


So my English teacher has read 5 pages so far (11 chapters) of One Mistake so far and surprisingly he just said that it's "very, very good". I thought he would talk about it more but he didn't have it with him to give me his notes. I'm still scared though 😂😂😂

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