Journey To Rosewood

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One Mistake: An Ezria Fanfiction

Chapter 48:
After we eat breakfast, I thank Kara for making amazing pancakes then go back to the couch and lie on it whilst Kara and Sebastian get dressed. Whilst they are getting ready for the day, I begin to think about what I should do when I am back in Rosewood. Within 5 minutes of staring at the ceiling and thinking about what to do, Sebastian comes out with messy hair, wearing jeans and a t-shirt. I'm guessing he's all ready as boys don't take long.
"Okay Aria, I'm all ready to take you home and Kara should be ready soon. Would you like to watch some TV, or drink your cold cup of coffee?" He says jokingly with a grin then starts laughing. I guess he remembers that we didn't drink our coffee last night.
"Haha yeah... I was all over the place last night and still am. I don't even know if I can drink coffee whilst being pregnant because I've heard that you can't drink caffeine when you're pregnant but I'm not sure if that's true or not. I need to find out because I can't survive 9 months not drinking caffeinated coffee. I don't normally drink caffeinated coffee, in fact I haven't in months, but I like to treat myself to some proper coffee every once in a while. I love coffee!" I say nearly laughing because all I'm talking about is coffee.
"Coffee is so good! I can't imagine not drinking it for 9 months, I can't even survive a day without it which is probably bad. Let's hope you can drink it!" Sebastian replies back.
"Yeah I hope so. Anyway... Should I help you put the sofa bed back to normal?" I ask him. Oh Sebastian does make me laugh at the craziest/weirdest/most pointless things. I don't know why I'm still laughing. Like seriously, all we were talking about was coffee, we just had a whole conversation about COFFEE... Oh my god I can't stop laughing just thinking about it.
"Oh no, I won't need help. I can do it myself. Anyway, I don't want you to hurt yourself, you must be careful whilst you're pregnant. Promise me that you won't be doing anything that requires a lot of strength or power or force." He says getting serious.
"I promise." I say with a giggle. I then watch him put the sofa back to normal, still laughing. As he's putting the cushions back, Kara comes out, showing off her long, tanned legs in denim shorts and a white v-neck t-shirt with a black cardigan on to keep her warm. She's so tall, and pretty, she could easily be a model!
She grabs a hair tie off of her wrist and wraps her dark blonde wavy curls into a messy bun then walks over to the door to put on some brown wedges. Okay, she was tall then but now she's REALLY tall! Thank god Sebastian is tall. It would look weird if they were standing next to each other and he was short. Now I feel really short being around them both!
"Okay guys, I think I'm ready to go. I can't wait to see where you live Aria! I wish you didn't have to go right now because I would love to show you the city, but you must go home now to your boyfriend and family. They must be so worried. You have to come back here sometime soon so we can shop and hang out! I'm going to miss you so much and even though we've only known each other for less than 12 hours, I feel like we've been friends for forever. I hope we can keep in touch!" Kara says as she begins to tear up as she gives me a hug.
"I wish I didn't have to go home right now too! I really hope I can keep in touch with you guys because you are two of the sweetest people that I have ever met. I'm so happy that I met you guys! I will definitely come back here and visit!" I say as I hug her back and start crying. God these hormones!
"Okay, however much I would love to watch you two to finish your sort of 'goodbye' meltdown, we need to start heading to Rosewood if we are to miss the bad traffic. Anyway, we aren't all saying goodbye yet. Me and Kara might as well spend the day in Rosewood and make the most of waking up at crazy time. Come on, let's go." Sebastian says as he gathers us up to the door. I giggle at what he says and take one last look around his apartment, for now. I definitely will be back here soon, I can feel it! Sebastian then grabs his keys and we head downstairs to the apartment complex car park. He grabs hold of Kara's hand and I follow them to his car then wait for him to unlock it with his key. We all get in and then begin our journey to Rosewood, Pennsylvania.

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