The Plan, Sort Of

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One Mistake: An Ezria Fanfiction

Chapter 4:

I can't think about this anymore. I need to go to sleep. I've had such a dramatic day today. I've been home alone for the weekend thankfully. This has meant that I was able to go to the store to grab some early pregnancy tests with no one around and finding out that I've missed my period. It's also been good because no one has seen me throw up. Now that was a relief and obviously disgusting.

Before I go to sleep however, I must book a doctors appointment. I've already looked everything up, I'm responsible like that. (Well I mean mature because if I was responsible, I would of been on birth control but the whole thing of me and Ezra having sex for the first time did kind of come out of the blue. Well not out of the blue, it just wasn't expected at that exact moment in time.)


I've decided to go to Philly for the appointment tomorrow because everyone will be at school tomorrow so I won't see anyone I know. I'll just say that I was ill because I'm quite often ill. Mum won't mind though, she'll just think that I stayed at home all day on the couch and if she does find out that I went to Philly, I'll just say that I ordered some medicine from the doctor because our doctor happens to be in Philly.


I book the appointment for 10 o'clock so that gives me time to wake up - well sort of because I'll already be up worrying because THERE MAY OR MAY NOT BE A LITTLE HUMAN BEING IN THE FORM OF AN EGG INSIDE OF ME. God these stupid hormones. I really do not want to be one of those people that everyone stares at because someone "knocked me up" at 16 but if they knew me, they would know that I wasn't exactly knocked up because me and my boyfriend were, I mean are, actually madly in love with each other and nothing will or can ever change that.

After booking the appointment, I get into my pjs and get into my bed. Finally, I can try and get some rest.... Well that is if I can. I'm so tired though because I've been up since 4am because no one ever goes to the drugstore at 4am on a Sunday morning so I went then. At least no one I know does. After getting 3 different types of pregnancy tests whilst looking like a hobo so no one could possibly tell it was me, I went home and drank 2 litres of water so I would need to pee. I then went and peed on the sticks and waited the longest 20 minutes of my life to find all 3 tests positive, resulting with me sliding down the bathroom wall in slow motion, crying for 3 hours straight, then reading up on teen pregnancy for another 3 hours. And after that, I watched a load of 16 & Pregnant episodes - all of the girls on the show were these cheerleaders that were really popular with boyfriends that tried to help and often backed out because "they wanted to live their life as a teenager and not a teen dad". Well that's what it seemed like. There were one or two episodes that I watched that ended happily so I guess me and Ezra might turn out fine.

One Mistake: An Ezria FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now