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One Mistake: An Ezria Fanfiction

Chapter 26:

We soon arrive home and head up to my room. I decide that I'll wait until my mum comes home to tell them so she can help me explain everything and the plan and stuff. We walk up the stairs to the first floor and walk into my bedroom. I quickly shut the door and we all sit around the room. I place my bag beside my bed then grab a cushion and hold it to my stomach. Hanna sits on the edge of my bed, twirling her loose blonde curls whilst Spencer sits on my vanity chair and Emily lays on the floor, half slouched and half sat up.

"So... What is so important that you had to wait to tell us at your house?" Spencer asks curiously, breaking the silence.

"Can we wait until my mum gets back. I want her in here when I tell you. Can we just get on with our homework?" I ask.

"Okay. But I've been worried all day Aria. All of these bad scenarios come to my mind and possibilities on why you've been acting strange and being so quiet." Spencer says with a worried look.

"I know. I'm sorry. I'm just scared to tell you. I don't want you to hate me because of what I have to tell you. Or for you guys to think that I'm a slut or anything. I'm so scared." I say.

"Oh my god you weren't raped were you?" Hanna asks with a shocked and worried expression.

"Oh god no Hanna. Come on let's just get on with our homework." I say to try and end this subject.

"Okay. Let's stop harassing Aria." Emily says.

We get our books out of our bags and start working on our English homework.

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