You're Going To Have...

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One Mistake: An Ezria Fanfiction

Chapter 91:
After breakfast, we get ready and head out to the car to go to Philly. We both took the day off as we might as well make the day of it.

We drive off and get to Philly and get there within half an hour. We walk into the building and sign in and sit down. I look at the clock and it's 11:02 - okay we must me going in soon. I lean on Ezra's shoulder and begin to speak, "So what do you think it will be, I mean the gender?" I ask.
"I'm not sure. I would love a little baby girl but I would love a boy too. I'll be happy with either." He says.
"I'm kind of leaning towards a girl. Although I would really love a boy too! Ugh, I can't decide. I guess that's good though as I won't be disappointed." I say back.
Suddenly a woman comes out and calls out a name, "Montgomery?"
"Oh yay it's our turn!" I say as I leap up from my chair and grab Ezra's hand. We follow the lady through the corridor and into the familiar doctor's office.
"Hello, Dr Reed." I say with a smile to the doctor.
"Hi Aria, Ezra. So how are you two today?" She asks us.
"Good thanks!" I reply back eagerly.
"According to my files from last time, you should be just over 17 weeks which should be far enough to find out the gender. I'm guessing you are wanting to find out today by the way you are acting right now?" She says with a laugh.
"Yes please!" I try not to yell back. 
"Okay, so why don't you sit down and we'll get the scans up on the screen." She says as she gestures to the chair.
I lie down and lift up my shirt. She then hands Ezra the bottle of gel and shows him how much to place on my stomach with her hands. He then does as guided and Dr Reed quickly places the stick on the cold gel. He then stands next to me and watches what she's doing.
"Are you fine health wise? Have you experienced much morning sickness?" She asks as she looks around my stomach on the screen to find the baby.
"I feel fine. I've had quite a bit of morning sickness - it's varied though. Some weeks I get it bad whereas others I don't." I reply back.
"Have you decided what you're doing with the baby, if I may ask? I gave you some leaflets last time I believe." She says.
"Oh yeah, we looked through them. We're keeping the baby. We're really excited!" I say to her, nearly screaming.
"I can't wait to meet our little baby soon!" Ezra says as he kisses my forehead. I then grab hold of his hand.
"Well, I think I've found the gender, would you like to know now?" She asks jokily, already knowing the answer.
"YES!" I yell.

She pauses before answering, "You're going to have..."



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